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heat cycle in 2 year old

Girl who turned 2 in July had 1st and only heat cycle in January. Mom very regularly cycled every 7 months. I know cycles can be irregular when they are young, but never had one go 9 months without another heat. Thought, opinions, encouragement wanted. I already know which shows I want to show pup in next year but pup isn't even in progress :) And I don't dare enter her or the rest in performance because I know she'll throw them all into season the day prior to an JH, obedience or rally competition! How long is the longest you have waited for the 2nd heat?

Re: heat cycle in 2 year old

11 months.

I have a group that cycle every 8/9/10/11 months

Re: heat cycle in 2 year old

It took 10 months for season #2. I don't think she would have come in season then except for the fact that my older girl brought her along.

Re: heat cycle in 2 year old

No advice, but lots of empathy as I've got the exact same thing here - had her first heat last January, turned 2 in July, and still hasn't had another cycle. Mom was every 6-7 months, according to her breeder.

A friend who trains with us who is a long time breeder of flat-coats says she has had many bitches who cycle only once a year, and thinks this could turn out to be the case with my girl.

I am trying to plan at what shows to bring her out in Obedience, and am just hoping that she comes in and out again before January as there are many shows I'd like to enter beginning in mid January!

Re: heat cycle in 2 year old

I've been in this boat a lot not wanting to lose a bunch of $$ on entries if my young girls came into season unexpectedly. Hunt tests generally have refund policies that are fair (remember, they've usually already ordered birds). I decided to address the real issue-- why so many all breed/ specialty clubs refused to give obed refunds when we were not allowed to participate. I started w/ my own clubs, and got policies changed w/ a little lobbying. Then I wrote letters to other clubs whose trials I supported regularly. Some did change their policies when they realized that they were penalizing the very folks who supported them. If you go this route, pls ask the clubs to NOT require a vet certificate since I found many vets will charge more than the refund due just to sign a prepared piece of paper. If it's an all breed show/trial, there should be no reason you can't show the bitch to a committee member since bitches in season ARE allowed to show in conformation. Some shows also have on site vets, so that's a consideration as well. Good luck. It's time we get some archaic rules changed. Anne