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Please, please, please support Mid-Jersey's Garage Sale to raise funds for epilepsy research. We are looking for dog related items of all kinds. Use your imagination. For example, items that would be useful traveling to dog shows would work. Being as it is a garage sale, things don't need to be perfect. A little wear and tear or a few tooth marks would not be disqualifications. Take a look around and I am sure you will find some items you haven't used for ages that somebody else would be happy to have. Bring your items to the show and you will receive a ticket(s) for a chance to win Mary Rosyln Williams, Advanced Labrador Breeding plus her audio CD.

So far here are a few things that we already have received:
woman's lab themed jacket
flying saucer puppy pans
puppy size plastic dog crate
Skechers roller skates - to exercise with your dog, of course ;-)
throw blanket
pretty box, lab themed
leashes and collars
silly lab candle holder
Mini Tube boxes
sweet lab puppy blanket

The sale will go on all day Thursday. It will continue Friday until just before Best of Breed, when the drawing for the book & CD will be held.

Start putting your stuff together now. This is a nice opportunity to do a little house cleaning and to do good for our labradors and the researchers who are working hard to unlock the secrets of epilepsy and other canine diseases.
