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I recently bought some Capstar to use on my dogs since they picked up fleas at a dog park, and it worked wonderfully. However,it's pricey when you're using it on multiples. My vet charged me $40 for six pills and they are only effective for 24 hours. I've found them cheaper online ($90 for 24 pills, which is still expensive if all the dogs have to take them daily!) but figured I'd see if anyone has any other suggestions before I placed an order. Has anyone used a generic form of this pill, or does anyone have any other tried and true flea-killing remedies?

I foolishly stopped using Frontline because I hadn't had any flea problems in about a decade, and I hadn't seen any ticks on my dogs in about two years. I figured it was better to avoid putting poison on them unnecessarily but that decision sure came back to bite them and me in the butt! Boy, do I HATE fleas!!!


Re: Itchy

Frontline is only poison to the fleas and ticks. It is NOT absorbed into the bloodstream, so it does NOT build up in the liver or kidneys.

In my discussions with my veterinarian, it is the safest of all the flea treatments. The new ones coming out are very harsh chemistries that DO get absorbed into the bloodstream.

I don't use it year-round on my guys, but I do use it when needed--if someone brings fleas home or if we are having a bad tick season.


Re: Itchy

I just discovered my pup has fleas, so now I've had to treat all my dogs, clean my house, clean dog bedding, clean my truck. I used Advantage on everyone yesterday. I still have two itchy dogs. So if you find a product that truelly works please let us know. I never ever have had a flea problem but would like to kick this in the butt!