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Aspirin for dogs?

A friend called last night and asked if she could give her dog aspirin for pain. Said her girl (yellow lab) had some biopsies performed yesterday, though none on her legs and now she won't get up to potty or eat. I think I have heard that buffered aspirin or baby aspirin were okay, but I don't know the dosage to recommend. Vet isn't open on Sunday, but I will suggest she call the emergency clinic. It is 6:00am in CA and she is desperate for some relief for her girl until she can get the vet on the phone.

Can someone tell me if aspirin is okay, and if so, how much?

Thank you!

Re: Aspirin for dogs?

only as long as it is "buffered", as in Bufferin. Or, Foster & Smith has flavored buffered aspirin. Doage would be 1 tablet.

Re: Aspirin for dogs?

Take the dog to the vet. Biopsies should not cause
so much pain that a dog will not go out or eat. She might have bleeding internally or an infection; all NSAIDs (including aspirin) can increase bleeding.

Whenever a Lab will not eat, I consider the situation an

You might also suggest that the owner immediately take
the dog's temperature. Aspirin will decrease
fever, and you definitely want to know if this dog has a

Re: Aspirin for dogs?

Were these just skin biopsies? Or something internal?

She needs to call a veterinarian for multiple reasons, the above included. I would want to make sure the dog didn't have any NSAID's or steroids during its procedure as aspirin would be counterindicated if so. Also, that it doesn't have any disease processes where aspirin could cause severe problems with bleeding or GI ulceration, etc.... Mast cell tumors, for instance, can predispose to GI ulcers, which could be worsened by the use of aspirin (to the point of complete perforation).