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Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

A paypal button has been set up if anyone would like to donate funds.

It can be found at: and then go to the STORE.

Donations have already started to come in...amazing folks out there!!

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Jan Cameron also has a link to donate through as well. Such a tragedy that could happen to any of us. I can't imagine what the families of the dogs lost are going through at this time.

It's nice to see the Labrador Community pitching in and helping out a fellow breeder in need.

Thank you Jan and Janice for setting up these accounts to make donating easy. I'm sure even a $20 donation will go far to help out.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

I just sent in my donation and noticed it goes through Janice's account. So I guess which ever link you use, Janice is the one collecting the money for Tina.

Thanks again for setting this up.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Keep them coming guys...

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

I do not at all mind helping out a fellow breeder, but can I ask what the donations are to be used for? Did they not have insurance to cover the losses, and $$ can't replace the dogs themselves, so before I donate, I'd like a little more information about where the money is exactly going.

Thanks - I don't mean to sound like a scrooge, but in this tight economy I want my donation dollars to be used in the best possible ways.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

I agree with you on where the money goes. My buildings are all insured as you would think most people's are. As for the dog's it is sad for them and the owner's of the other dogs as well as Tina and her family. I am having a hard time understanding. They still have their home and family as well as some of the dog's is my understanding. I do wish them the best and hope they find a way to move forward.


Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Dear Breeder,

Tina has not asked for any money, I believe that these were set up as a way for us to help as we can't be there to help her physically in her time of grief. Maybe this could help her in ways we cannot, maybe she could use the funds to make a memorial, maybe she will turn around and donate the funds to a rescue group in honor of lost babies.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

I do not at all mind helping out a fellow breeder, but can I ask what the donations are to be used for? Did they not have insurance to cover the losses, and $$ can't replace the dogs themselves, so before I donate, I'd like a little more information about where the money is exactly going.

Thanks - I don't mean to sound like a scrooge, but in this tight economy I want my donation dollars to be used in the best possible ways.

From what I understand they did not have insurance. I'm sure the extra money will help to rebuild and let them know that the Lab community is there for them. If you don't want to donate, that's fine, but to come here and post what you did, yes, that makes you sound not only like a scrooge, but a paranoid one at that.

I just hope that if you were in the same situation, that people would come to your aid too.

Please leave your negativity and suspicions at the door.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

I agree with the poster who asked "do they not have insurance"? My same thoughts too and legimate thoughts at that. I was wondering the same thing why money is being donated and what is it going to be used for. It has not been confirmed Tina did not have insurance. Tragic loss indeed. Maybe the fundraising should wait until the situation has been well assessed to any future needs, if any, etc.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Holy Smokes, I do not care where Tina uses my piddling $25.00. Would you not send a friend flowers if her barn burned down? WHO are you to know whether she does or does not have adequate insurance. Tina LOST her animals, she LOST her barn, she LOST. Whatever generosity this drive brings may help replace 'something'!

We live in a small world, in a small community of like minded people, WHO is gonna help if we don't? really, the insurance? Whoever you are who needs to know 'where' your money is going should hold onto it, hold on tight. I'm not speaking for Tina, I'm speaking as a Christian...if you don't give with a willing heart you might as well not give at all.

Tina and Family, I am so sorry. We are sending prayers from Florida for your healing, for rebuilding, and for our Father's will to be done in your lives. I am so sorry.

I do not at all mind helping out a fellow breeder, but can I ask what the donations are to be used for? Did they not have insurance to cover the losses, and $$ can't replace the dogs themselves, so before I donate, I'd like a little more information about where the money is exactly going.

Thanks - I don't mean to sound like a scrooge, but in this tight economy I want my donation dollars to be used in the best possible ways.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Becky in Orlando
Holy Smokes, I do not care where Tina uses my piddling $25.00. Would you not send a friend flowers if her barn burned down? WHO are you to know whether she does or does not have adequate insurance. Tina LOST her animals, she LOST her barn, she LOST. Whatever generosity this drive brings may help replace 'something'!

Well said Becky and I agree.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

An observation after having worked in the insurance industry for many years: The level of insurance - or lack thereof - that many people have in place might actually surprise you .. And why they do - or do not - have insurance in place is really none of our business. Do you have mortality insurance on any or all of your dogs? For that matter, do you have health insurance on any or all of your dogs? What would it cost you in hard dollars to go out and replicate the current status of your breeding program were it wiped out in a tragedy such as this? I assume that you keep an ongoing 'inventory' of your dogs as part of your business plan and have the worth of each one documented in that inventory, factoring in the hours of hard work and dedication involved. Do you have farm insurance or residential? What are all the outbuildings on your property insured for? Replacement cost or a straight dollar value? Do you know for a fact that you could actually replicate/replace the structures based on what they are insured for in today's market? What is the deductible on your insurance policy? Are you prepared for the fact that your premiums will skyrocket now that you have made a substantial claim on your policy? Is your monthly budget able to handle that increase which often is more than double your former premiums? Is your ongoing coverage terminated by the Underwriter forcing you to take out a "High Risk" policy where the total annual premium is due in a lump sum up front and is SUBSTANTIALLY higher than what you were paying per annum? (Read triple) Here in Canada many people carry a $2500.00 (or higher) deductible on their farm and residential policies .. Just some food for thought as there are many variables involved ...

The decision to assist or not is a personal one. You can choose to assist now or not. You can choose to assist once more information is forthcoming or not.
I don't believe that anyone will take you to task or judge you for any choice that you make with respect to a donation - I know that I certainly won't. But I also know that if this happened to me, I would be very appreciative of any type of support the Labrador Community extended under such horrific circumstances.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Spot on, Becky.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Even if they had insurance, it won't cover everything. They'll still have great looses plus the deductible. I don't know Tina, so my $20 are just a breeder support gesture as I'm part of this community.
She can do with it as she pleases.
For once this forum can be used for good.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

I think the poster had the right to ask before making a donation.

When making a donation which will be substantial perhaps or not, I do like to know where it's going to.

Please don't argue over a poster that apologized while asking a simple question, just keep doing what you're doing. You're wasting time which is valuable at this point if trying to get monies to this party.

Thank the Good Lord no humans died also and that the house didn't go with the barn and the poor dogs and puppies. A donation could go to the wonderful Fire Department that stopped that from happening. I think those are the answers she or he wanted to hear. You told her there's no insurance which I can't comprehend but that's the way it is. So she needs help rebuilding, it's an answer for goodness sakes.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Seriously, someone has the gall to come on here to ask where their donation will go? Why the heck would that matter at this point in time? People are very saddened by this tragedy and felt compelled to help anyway they can. Tina did not ask for us to help her, but that is what the good people of the Labrador community does when someone is in need. Is it really any business of ours where the money will go and ask for a detailed accounting of the money? Are you serious? If you want to ask Tina what she plans on doing with the money, when she is no doubt seriously hurting and going through God knows what right now, be my guest. It is horribly insensitive for those asking where the money is going to be asking right now. Seriously, if you want to know that, then DON'T DONATE. Those who are donating, just want to help.

And a big THANK YOU to those who truly want to help. Bless you all and Happy Thanksgiving!

I think the poster had the right to ask before making a donation.

When making a donation which will be substantial perhaps or not, I do like to know where it's going to.

Please don't argue over a poster that apologized while asking a simple question, just keep doing what you're doing. You're wasting time which is valuable at this point if trying to get monies to this party.

Thank the Good Lord no humans died also and that the house didn't go with the barn and the poor dogs and puppies. A donation could go to the wonderful Fire Department that stopped that from happening. I think those are the answers she or he wanted to hear. You told her there's no insurance which I can't comprehend but that's the way it is. So she needs help rebuilding, it's an answer for goodness sakes.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

I am a very close friend to Tina and Bill, of pridezion Labradors. I have to say thank you to all that have chosen to donate. The fact is, that Tina and Bill would never ask for help. They are too proud and humble to do that. They did not have insurance as they were renting, while in the process of looking for a permanent home and property to buy.

They have lost so much and those who choose to donate time, items, or money; should know that your compassion will not go unnoticed not only by Tina and Bill but by the whole dog fancier community. Any small amount of help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Christa of Whiskey Creek, as you and I talked tonight I kept thinking over and over, what if it was me, what if those were my dogs? Would I even be able to stand up or get out of bed? Would the last sounds I heard be those of my dogs? This story is so terrible, so horrific in its nature that I am brought to tears just thinking about it. I know the details, I know what has happened and if you all knew the story as I do you might just fall to your knees......

So I ask in politeness that no one question where the money is going, if you do not want to donate that is your right and no one would know the difference. But please, stop asking about insurance etc.. Tina lost all of her dog equipment, down to her dog food, dog bowls and blankets...... but most importantly she lost many of her dogs whom she considered her children.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

But please, stop asking about insurance etc.. Tina lost all of her dog equipment, down to her dog food, dog bowls and blankets...... but most importantly she lost many of her dogs whom she considered her children.

I don't generally post here, but I feel the need to write this.
This is personal on a level we can never fully understand. If your hearts want to help in the only way possible to help, then donate and allow Tina the privacy to use your gift in the way she needs and feels it is best used. Can everyone PLEASE just stay loving and supportive here and keep it simple... The pain has to be more than they can handle right now. I know I would be falling apart if I were in her shoes. And I would not want to be answering questions.
I am sure as time passes she will be able to thank everyone and tell them exactly what she did with the funds... For now to me it's just not important at all.
It's important that she knows the Labrador community is standing by her and that her pain is acknowledged and felt and sympathized with.
Amanda, Tina is truly blessed to have such a patient, kind , polite, and loving friend in you. I am sure you are a source of great comfort.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Well said!

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Many of you have never net me or Tina. I was one of the first people There for her that morning. I was the first breeder friend she called. Tina is my show Buddy, we travel together in an RV that we bought together. I lovingly call her my weekend Wife lol.

Tina and Bill where jolted awake at 6:30 to barking dogs. Only to find the nursery building in flames. They did what they could with garden hoses and where able to get 3 dogs out. One dog was burn and is being treated for his burns. The other two where not injured. Vet Bills (no insurance)

Bill has burns to his stomach and hands as well as took in a lot of smoke hospital bills (no insurance)

When I got to Tina she was in bed with the covers tight over her head moaning "my babies my babies" and repeating a list of those lost. All I could do was sob with here.

Meanwhile my husband and other others had the task of removing the bodied of those lost so that Bill and Time would never have to see them like that. My husband has not slept well scene. As we know all of them to.

I would like to clear up some misconceptions. They did not loose all of there dogs. They did not loose there home.

They lost their nursery which housed many of their brood bitches, puppies, prospect puppies, a couple of stud dogs and older retired pets. Not to mention 5 dogs that where in for training and boarding. All of which they will have to replace or pay for. (no insurance)

The building was a total loss and the cause is undetermined but was more than likely electrical. As mentioned in a previous post they where renting and did not have renters insurance.

Tina has given me the task to keep The facts true and correct. As she is not able at this time to do it for herself.

I understand why people would question the donation of money and would like to know where the money donated might be used.

Here is a small list of things they need if you choose to send items instead of money. They need bedding, crates, dog food bowls, water buckets, dog food, grooming supplies, toys...... this building was like the hub of her kennel it housed all supplies.

If you would like to send something please privet message me and I will be happy to provide an address.

I wish all of you a happy thanksgiving and please keep Tine and her family in your prayers.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Thank your for the information. Donations continue to come in from all over the world. Its amazing how many help in a time of need.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

This was just posted on Facebook by Tina she is such a strong lady:

Pridezion Labrador Retrievers
I have struggled for the last few days to even speak, the loss of our babies is more than me and my family can bear. I dont know how to recover from this. I wanted to post on her just for a minute, and tell you all how much your outpouring of love and support have helped me/us the last couple of days. I feel tortured, I can hear a bark and it takes my breath away because I look for them. I cannot focus on their faces or say their names, I will fall apart, please continue to pray for us, please. We are devastated.
Today I am thankful for my family,each and everyone of you who have posted your love and support for us, I cannot describe how much it means to us. To those that have called, thank you. We truly love you all and wish you a Blessed Thanksgiving.
Please also say a prayer for Sara Slick and her family, she is here with me and has been such a great support and comfort although she is grieving herself, I feel so bad, I have no words to comfort her I am falling apart myself. Thank you to my Indian Angle, Dianne Jones and her family and my nephew Kanan Andersen and sis Delyn, and Christa Droden Thompson and husband Jim who did what my husband and I couldnt possibly bear to do. My children and my nieces are a constant source of strength, because I have none. Thank you Julia Zucati for your potato soup it was so good, and for the gift last night of Clark's baby girl. Hope (we have decided to call her Hope) is all that I have left of our boy, he was one of them lost ... Thank you everybody we love you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Thank your for the information. Donations continue to come in from all over the world. Its amazing how many help in a time of need.

Janice it warms my heart to hear that so many have opened their hearts and their wallets to help one of our own. Without questions or demands of an account where the money will go, it is just that they know they need help. Cash is the most convenient way to help out at this time.

Thank you again Janice and Jan Cameron for helping put the word out and setting up a fund to help Tina, Bill and her family during this very tragic time.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

"Here is a small list of things they need if you choose to send items instead of money. They need bedding, crates, dog food bowls, water buckets, dog food, grooming supplies, toys...... this building was like the hub of her kennel it housed all supplies."

Do you know is there a specific on-line pet supply store they liked to shop? I was thinking maybe of sending a gift certificate and maybe if enough order/send them a gift certificate to the same store they can make a nice size order of what they need from the same place. I'll PM you for an address.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Tina and family....words cannot describe what I am feeling right now. I am so so sorry. My prayers,thoughts and heart goes out to you.

Debkens Labrador Retrievers

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

"Thank you again Janice and Jan Cameron for helping put the word out and setting up a fund to help Tina, Bill and her family during this very tragic time."

There are no words that could ever be enough, but our thoughts and prayers are with Tina and her family.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

As others have said, there are no words. My heart just breaks for Tina and her family and the horrible loss they have suffered. Please let her know our thoughts and prayers are with her.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Having "only" lost my home and all my belongings in the San Diego County wildfires of 2007, no dogs, I can only imagine the hell these people are going through.
I was lucky to be able to evacuate my 5 dogs to safety, and was not able to go back into the fire area to get my belongings. My neighbor John and his wife lost their lives in the fire, and were not found until three days later. Their beloved dog died as well, and was found by their son even later.
Until it happens to you, it's very hard to appreciate the devasting emotions of loss, grief, and guilt. It is so overwhelming, it is difficult to think straight or function in the following days. Imagine losing even one of our beautiful and devoted Labradors, it is inconceivable to know what losing 10 feels like. Trust me, they will never recover from that, and just getting their lives back together after the fire will take years.
In my situation, I received donations from many people, my San Diego Lab Club, AKC, and places and folks I don't even know. It all seemd like a dream I couldn't wake up from, and without the support of friends, family, and fellow breeders, I don't know what I would have done.
I don't know Pridezion Labradors personally, but I can assure you these people need all our support: financial, physical and emotional. A card with sincere wishes and show of support for what they are going through will help tremendously. They need to feel that they are not alone in this time of need.
Please take the time to donate whatever you can afford, and drop them a card of condolences. If you live nearby, cook them some meals, stop by with a cheesecake, give hugs!
It could be any one of us. When stuff like this happens, I realize I DON'T have any problems.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Whiskey Creek Goldens
This was just posted on Facebook by Tina she is such a strong lady:

Pridezion Labrador Retrievers
I have struggled for the last few days to even speak, the loss of our babies is more than me and my family can bear. I dont know how to recover from this. I wanted to post on her just for a minute, and tell you all how much your outpouring of love and support have helped me/us the last couple of days. I feel tortured, I can hear a bark and it takes my breath away because I look for them. I cannot focus on their faces or say their names, I will fall apart, please continue to pray for us, please. We are devastated.
Today I am thankful for my family,each and everyone of you who have posted your love and support for us, I cannot describe how much it means to us. To those that have called, thank you. We truly love you all and wish you a Blessed Thanksgiving.
Please also say a prayer for Sara Slick and her family, she is here with me and has been such a great support and comfort although she is grieving herself, I feel so bad, I have no words to comfort her I am falling apart myself. Thank you to my Indian Angle, Dianne Jones and her family and my nephew Kanan Andersen and sis Delyn, and Christa Droden Thompson and husband Jim who did what my husband and I couldnt possibly bear to do. My children and my nieces are a constant source of strength, because I have none. Thank you Julia Zucati for your potato soup it was so good, and for the gift last night of Clark's baby girl. Hope (we have decided to call her Hope) is all that I have left of our boy, he was one of them lost ... Thank you everybody we love you and thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Your email will not come up. Would you repost it so I can email you, or would you kindly email me. I want to cross post this horrible tragedy in the hopes of getting in more donations and items needed, but want to be sure that is ok with you.

I know first hand what it is like to lose your home and everything in it. (thankfully our dogs survived). I was only 9 at the time but I will never forget the outpouring of support from our community that helped us get back on our feet.

I realize they did not lose their house but to me (items can be replaced as well as a house) Their situation is even more tragic.....

I am in tears reading this thread. Especially your post and Tina's FB post. I pray for them to get thru this (and the families of the other dogs as well) and for their hearts to heal.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Cross posting would be wonderful!!

My Email is

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Robin McBain
Having "only" lost my home and all my belongings in the San Diego County wildfires of 2007, no dogs, I can only imagine the hell these people are going through.
I was lucky to be able to evacuate my 5 dogs to safety, and was not able to go back into the fire area to get my belongings. My neighbor John and his wife lost their lives in the fire, and were not found until three days later. Their beloved dog died as well, and was found by their son even later.
Until it happens to you, it's very hard to appreciate the devasting emotions of loss, grief, and guilt. It is so overwhelming, it is difficult to think straight or function in the following days. Imagine losing even one of our beautiful and devoted Labradors, it is inconceivable to know what losing 10 feels like. Trust me, they will never recover from that, and just getting their lives back together after the fire will take years.
In my situation, I received donations from many people, my San Diego Lab Club, AKC, and places and folks I don't even know. It all seemd like a dream I couldn't wake up from, and without the support of friends, family, and fellow breeders, I don't know what I would have done.
I don't know Pridezion Labradors personally, but I can assure you these people need all our support: financial, physical and emotional. A card with sincere wishes and show of support for what they are going through will help tremendously. They need to feel that they are not alone in this time of need.
Please take the time to donate whatever you can afford, and drop them a card of condolences. If you live nearby, cook them some meals, stop by with a cheesecake, give hugs!
It could be any one of us. When stuff like this happens, I realize I DON'T have any problems.

I am sorry about your horrendous experience in 2007 but you understand better than most about what Tina is going through. You're right though, when things of this magnitude happen we realize how much worse life can be. If there's a tragedy such as this, the death of someone's family or a friend or a significant, untreatable health problem occurs in someone's life, our problems are non-existent in comparision.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Cross posting is done.

I emailed you as well.

I have faith in these people. We will get donations.

Prayers continue.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

:( I can't believe I am reading this :(. I've spoken with Tina via email on a few occasions and also on FB when I was active on my account- my heart breaks for their loss, I can't even imagine the pain they are going through :( TY for the donation links, I'll be sure to do what I can.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Cross posting would be wonderful!!

My Email is

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

I don't use Paypal. Is there an address to which a donation could be sent?

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

You can go to and click on Store and then use whatever Credit Card you like.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Peggy Stevens
I don't use Paypal. Is there an address to which a donation could be sent?

Dunrobin or Madabout allows you to use a credit card or Pay Pal. I had no problem using 2 different cards, 1 after the other. I split my donation so my husband wouldn't notice it. He cares but it's almost the end of the month when money tightens up with the holidays and a few family birthdays coming up. I'll try to do the same right after the 1st of the month if the money is available.

I used Jan site, Dunrobin but I'm sure Madabout works the same. The card is billed to MADABOUT.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Want to donate 3 of our Alvalley slip leashes 6 mm x 6 feet long and 1 of our 8 mm x 6 feet long for a total of 4 leashes.

Can I get the address to be able to mail them this week.

Alfredo Vallejo

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Donate to Pridezion Labradors

Hi Alfredo!!

That's wonderful, I just sent you a message back on Facebook with her address.

If anyone would like to send donations, you can email me and I will forward you Tina's address. (or email Janice) .

Thanks again Alfredo


Please check your email as a box of many items, bowls, collar and leads, toys, and much more is packed and ready to be sent tomorrow. I can not even imagine this type of tradgedy and what they must be going through.

Thank You


Let me know if Christa hasn't gotten back to you, she is not a regular on this forum and I'm not sure how often she checks her email. (I did leave her a message to check her email earlier, I know she has been spending most her time out at Tina's and the cell reception is spotty at best)

I have Tina's address if you still need it.

Thank you for your generosity!