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Friends Helping Friends - Pridezion Fundraiser

Hi Everyone,
Support has been great to date....THANK YOU!! We will collect donations through to Monday so if there is anyone still wanting to help out you can. Its amazing how as little as $20 goes a long way to help.
Thanks again, the support has been amazing and we are truly blessed to have people as generous and caring as those in the Labrador world.

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Pridezion Fundraiser

Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to donate if you are still interested in helping. Thanks to eveyrone that has donated thus far!!

Re: Friends Helping Friends - Pridezion Fundraiser


I just talked to Tina who had no idea that funds were even being donated to her. As you all can imagine the heartbreak she feels is beyond what most of us can conceive. She actually found it comforting that our old boy Kwanzaa who passed over the bridge on the 15th would be there to show her babies the way. .... I am sure that he had a duck wing for each and happily showed them the bob and weave dance. But rest assured, when he told them to be mindful, they came to heal position with the wing .... Ready to give.

God bless Tina's sweet 11 year old Boozer.... You have burns, you are hurting..... But you have a family who will drop everything and lay beside you. .... Once again, may god bless you and take away as much pain as he is able.