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Has anyone had any experience good or bad using Fenugreek for bringing in a girls milk? I have heard about seminar that talked about it and wondering if it works? Is there any side effects?

Re: Fenugreek

We have used it with success a couple of times, when a bitch's milk wasn't coming in after a c-section. We definately could tell it worked.

The only side effect is that it makes milk and puppies smell like maple syrup. No bad side effects, though.

It is Myra Savant-Harris who most have heard it from, including us.

Re: Fenugreek

I used it once ~5 yrs ago, and I think in my case, maybe it worked too well. The bitch got mastitis. :(

Re: Fenugreek

Where do you get this? And how much and how often do you use it?

Re: Fenugreek

GNC ... adult dosage.

Re: Fenugreek

Tried it recently for the first time on a bitch who had a c-section and a big litter and it upset her stomach so stopped after a couple days.

Re: Fenugreek

I've tried it in the past and did not have obvious results. Have had great success with Reglan and keep it on hand for all new moms now. The other thing that helps is get as much water into the bitch as you can. I take canned food and make a soup out of it to get more water intake. Just having water available doesn't always mean they take in as much water as they should. Good luck!

Re: Fenugreek

We use that for breast feeding moms with low milk supply. Results are mixed. Another thing some of the lactation consultants are trying is Blessed Thistle (check on safety for dogs though). In people Reglan can cause depression so many OBs avoid the use of it.
You usually can find fenugreek at places like Whole Foods.
Deb H.