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Belated Thanks to HDLRC!

I know this is wayyyy after the fact, but there were some delays in posting right after the High Desert LRC Specialty in November.
I wanted to thank the club for their hard work for a very enjoyable specialty, despite the freezing cold weather Saturday (or at least freezing cold by California standards!). I was not able to attend Sunday due to a previous committment, but Saturday went smoothly, and the food was top-notch. Thank you Dick Flowers and the other folks who prepared the blessedly HOT soup and other food for us frozen exhibitors!
And thanks to the judges for putting up with us. Barbara Nowak, in particular, I'm sure got the "deer in the headlights" look from more than one exhibitor after challanging us to THINK about our gaiting pattern. She asked that we pause briefly on the far side of the ring and present our dogs naturally, "the way God intended them to look."
Thanks, Barbara for gettting us to THINK and for talking to us and our dogs, and involving folks at ringside in appreciating the dogs inside the ring!
I think a fun (albeit cold) time was had by all. It was great seeing old friends again, and the depth of quality in the Labradors was superb.
Just wanted to say this, as it's been on my mind since the Specialty!

Re: Belated Thanks to HDLRC!

Thank you, Robin. I'm not sure if the co-chairs for this year's specialty frequent this site, so I will be sure to send them the link so that they can read your thoughtful comments.
