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very sad

Re: article

...just hate it when people post a link to something without even explaining what it is? For all we know it's a link to a virus. You might just copy and paste the text if you really want people to read it.

Re: article

If you look at original poster's URL, you can extract the words "Lynn Jones Fired" and look that up. It is the story of an airport worker in Nevada who was appalled at the condition of a hunting dog, a pointer, and refused to load the listless dog without an animal expert to evaluate the dog to make sure the flight wouldn't kill it. I don't know the truth in this case, and it may be different views of the same element. Hunting dogs run hard and can look ribby, and pointers have a thin coat. Lacking Lab coats and docked tails, they can get sores from brush, and any dog can get a hot spot. That being said, the woman followed her conscience and rescue workers sided with her. I think the vet report AND some videos could be important. Better to err on the side of caution.

Re: article

...just hate it when people post a link to something without even explaining what it is? For all we know it's a link to a virus. You might just copy and paste the text if you really want people to read it.

Giving an idea what the article about is proper. Not everyone would be interested and sure, a hacker could come on and put up a virused site.

If I don't know what the article is about, I ignore it usually. It's not the best way to show others what you feel is an important story so use the subject line for what it's there for.

Also, this is how to create a real hyperlink. It will give you a real link so others don't have to cut & paste constantly.

website links, was Re: article

Thanks for the instructions on hyperlinks. If one can't remember the instruction, or one lacks time, this forum already has a way to post a site, which does not have to be the poster's own. Just go above the message field to"Website" and put the URL in there. It will appear below the message on the forum. Be sure to mention it in the body of the post, so that we readers will know to click on it.