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I saw a dog that my parents had gotten at my last visit, she was eaten up with something. I asked my dad what the vet said. He said oh some kinda mange and we are giving her baths. I felt bad but thought they had it handled with the vet. So I talk to my mom today. She called and said the dog died. I asked her what the vet had said. She said they had never taken her to the vet and were bathing her in peroxide!!!!!! How is it MY parents could do something so stupid and horrible when i have helped dogs from people like them. Just had to get off the phone

Re: Parents

Based on that history, I would guess the puppy was being bathed with a benzoyl peroxide shampoo.... not hydrogen peroxide. Did the puppy go through a series of mite-killing dips after these baths?

That is a tragic story. I'm so sorry to hear about their loss. Your parents sound like they were definitely trying to do their part, taking the puppy to the veterinarian and following his/her recommendations. Very, very sad for all involved.

Re: Parents

That is awful - I would really be upset too. You would think they would have taken the dog to the vet right away!

Re: Parents

Poor dog ... probably died from infection. There is no excuse for not taking the dog to a veterinarian. I'd bet they waited so long that nothing could be done. However, who knows ... since they did so little for the dog. I don't know why you posted this. So sad ... RIP.

Re: Parents

I posted it because I am trying to not be so mad at my own parents and I am too ashamed to talk to my friends or family. I was in shock and still am. I can't believe they did not take that puppy to the vet. I would have if I had known. They even told my kids that she was being treated. I had not seen her in the last month and just assumed they meant by a vet. I just can't even talk to them on the phone right now. If it was a stranger I could just hate them but they are my parents.

Re: Parents

I don't understand your post. Don't you have a therapist or some kind of spiritual/family leader to talk to?

Re: Parents

That's a very sad story and those of us who treat our animals better feel your pain and frustration.

As a frequent rescuer, I have seen a lot of what most would call neglect with older people and their pets. Their generation did not have the benefit of the veterinary medicine we all embrace nowadays. So they either do nothing, do the wrong thing or do what they were taught years ago. In extreme cases, it's never enough.

But is it neglect or abuse? Probably not, just lack of knowledge and perhaps lack of funds??

You just keep doing what you are doing with your animals and teach your parents in a loving way as you go forward. If they get another dog, help them get the info they need about feeding, training, veterinary care etc.

They are not monsters, they are your parents and they must have done something right if they taught you to love animals the way you do.

Don't ruin your relationship (especially this time of year!!) over this. Good luck!

Re: Parents

I have family members I would never sell a dog to. We don't get to choose our relatives. My mom grew up on a farm, and dogs were livestock and treated as such. She never understood how I felt about my animals (raccoons, possums, rabbits, goats, dogs). How you treat your dog is very important to you, but that doesn't mean that your close relatives will feel the same way. My parents had an unspayed bitch and probably drowned the unwanted puppies every time she had a litter - I say probably because i know the the puppies disappeared but wasn't allowed to know how. Despite our disagreements about the importance of my dogs, my mother put up with my bringing them along on visits because she loved me. Try not to allow this issue, which is so important to you, affect your relationship with your parents. They are the only ones you have!

Re: Parents

Original poster I apologize for Breeder's post. There are some nasty people on here, please try to ignore them and don't allow them to upset you. If you want other contact, I'm sure you will make those contacts when and if ready.

You came to a dog board for help understanding why your parents handled the puppy this way from people who love dogs I think. Am I right? You did nothing wrong coming here and you have our ear if you want it.

Perhaps you need to tell your parent's that you're disappointed in how they handled the situation. What if the infection was something your children could catch from touching the puppy, like pseudomonas? I would check with your pediatrician and ask your parents where they got the mange diagnosis if they never went to the vet. Maybe they did see the vet but didn't follow through with a follow up visit.

Sometimes we have to say what's on our mind to protect our children. It's your choice how to handle the situation.

If you need someone to speak to 1 on 1, I will post my email address, just let me know.

Re: Parents

Oh my gosh, I completely misread the part about you finally finding out that they never took the puppy to the vet- I'm not sure how I skipped that and read the part about the peroxide baths, but that is really terrible. That is definitely neglect. I am so sorry.... I try to see the good in everyone though (I'm quite the optimist), and they obviously just don't see dogs as important family members like most of us. I hope they don't get another pet but if they do, maybe you can make sure they run any issues by you before deciding to randomly treat any problems however they see fit?

Re: Parents

Thank you everyone. I still have not talked to my mom today and I think I will just not talk to her about the dog. I am afraid the more information I find out the more ticked off I will be. I guess because they are my parents (even though I only saw the dog one time) I feel responsible for the dog. When I saw her she was pretty bad as far as hair loss all over. So for the last month I am trying not to think about how miserable she would have been. I see people all the time that have skinny animals and think its fine. I just always think people cant be that stupid. So I was crushed last night to hear that my parents were who I was thinking that of. Thank you for the ear and I will have to put this out of my mind, just wish I would have known.