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broken tooth/showing

I have a 2 yr old boy who has broken off one of his upper canine teeth...the "stump" is about 1/4", not discolored, no apparent pain. I plan to show it to my vet next time I go, but wondered others experience with this?

He is a CH, major pointed for his GRCH, I had one judge complain about it....seems this should not be held against him; it's not missing, just damaged. They should be judging for breeding quality, I believe.

Re: broken tooth/showing

Ch Rocheby Rainmaker, Monty, broke his upper canine in the same way and he finished his championship with no problem. A broken tooth is not a bad bite. Monty broke his on a knuckle bone.

Re: broken tooth/showing

That was my idea too, as my boy got BOB, a 5 pt major one day, and the next day, the judge pointed out his broken tooth, and dumped him.
Oh well, that's show biz I suppose!

Re: broken tooth/showing

You can be dismissed for capping the tooth, but it was my understanding that you should not be dismissed because of a broken tooth. Capping is a cosmetic procedure that is not allowed; filing down is ok;

I guess if a judge is splitting hairs, the dog with the broken tooth will be overlooked. I guess you could have the AKC rep about this, at least he or she could have spoken to the judge about it. That was just not fair.

Re: broken tooth/showing

I have a girl who broke one of her upper scissor so there is only a small stump left. I have a veterinary certificate from my vet stating that she was born with full dentition but lost her tooth due to an accident while playing as a young puppy. That has not been any problems at all at shows... she's done some very nice things in the show ring. Good luck!!

Re: broken tooth/showing

I had this happen and the dog got a root canal so the tooth would not be damaged further. I checked and this was allowed where capping it would not be allowed. The dog is major pointed and got the pts after the root canal.

Re: broken tooth/showing

My CH Ali, got almost all her points including majors after she broke a tooth playing tug with a stick with her 1/2 sister. In fact she got a major the next day after she broke the tooth. I had a couple of judges ask me what happened but it didn't seem to be a problem.

Re: broken tooth/showing

Thanks for posting this question.

I have an 8-yr old Veteran who I want to show soon and was not sure if it would be an embarrassment/ insult to the Judge with both of his canines broken off bottom 25%.

Still nice and white and he loves to show.

Encouraged to have the fun.