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Ideal Progesterone Level to Ship Semen

I have a girl that is in season now, and I have to get progesterone done. What would you consider an ideal levl to have the stud owner ship with?

Her last heat I did not have progesterone done and bred on day 12 and day 14 and had 9 puppies.

So I am trying to understand the progesterone levels.


Re: Ideal Progesterone Level to Ship Semen

You want to breed two days after they hit 5. Then breed again two days after that.

Do a search on progesterone or breeding on this forum - there have been many postings re progesterone/breeding.

Re: Ideal Progesterone Level to Ship Semen

Your vet and the Stud owner should both be able to help guide you on this. Generally progesterone testing should begin between day 7-9 of the cycle and it's typical to test every other day (sometimes every 3rd day depending on numbers) to find BOTH the initial rise (2-3) and ovulation (>5). Finding the initial rise (which roughly correlates to the LH peak) allows better planning for when to ship. But you still need to continue testing to confirm that ovulation occurred.