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Vaccination Protocols?

What are are your vaccination protocols? Do most of you follow Jean Dodds?

It has been several years since I have had a litter, and at that point, knew only the 'old school' type protocol. With my now adult dogs, I do Lepto only (and stretch the Rabies past three years a bit), annually.

I would appreciate your points of view.

Re: Vaccination Protocols?

Jean Dodds, yes. Except lepto, everything is 3 years, lepto once a year. I advise my pup families to do the same and most of their vets agree.

I don't stretch rabies past 3 years. I follow the law in my state which is a 3 year law for rabies.

Re: Vaccination Protocols?

Pups at 7+ weeks, then 4 weeks later and then 4 weeks later. I wait for the Rabies until a couple of weeks after the last distemper.

Booster at 1 year old.

Then again at 4 and 7 years old. I'll do rabies again at 10 years old but if they make it to 13, I tell the town the dog died.

Re: Vaccination Protocols?

I go with 8 weeks, then 11 weeks then 14 weeks. I tell my families to follow the same on their vaccine packet for the vet also. 4 weeks is fine also but I have begun at 8 weeks for close to 10 years now.

Rabies I always use to give at 4.5 to 5 mo. A newer vet claims some states are now 3 mo. by law. I can't locate it online so it was again at 4.5 mo last litter.

Always 3 to 4 weeks between each of the 3. I choose 3 weeks but 4 weeks is fine too. Some vets try to give vaccine #2 when the patient comes in for a well check which I suggest occurs after the pup goes home. Some vets against my strong suggestion to wait until 3 weeks or up to 4 still give the next vaccine. The patient will come back in 2 to 3 weeks anyway for the vaccine. Why give it at 1 to 2 weeks after I have or my vet has put a 3 to 4 week suggestion right in that next vaccine box in the vaccination history booklet? We can try to teach our families, best as we can. Ultimately, they will listen to their vet unless they really trust us & are willling to have it out with the vet. That's what happens where I live, it's quite frustrating.

Re: Vaccination Protocols?

I totally follow Jean Dodds but never give another vaccine after the puppy vaccines. I titer and so far they are fully protected even after 7 years.

Re: Vaccination Protocols?

I'm curious how long your dogs average life span is and what is usually the reason they finally do die?
It is interesting that you don't ever vaccinate after puppy shots and I wonder if your dogs have a lower incidence of cancer or live longer and if there's any cooerelation.

cindy ellis
I totally follow Jean Dodds but never give another vaccine after the puppy vaccines. I titer and so far they are fully protected even after 7 years.

Re: Vaccination Protocols?

This is certainly not scientific but we have less allergies since cutting back on vaccines. We didn't have a ton to begin with but almost no ear infections or hot spots anymore. We saw the biggest drop when switching to better quality foods but saw a further drop when cutting back on vaccines. But again, not a big enough data set to be scientifically valid.