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I have a new puppy that is about 9 weeks old. I can see that her pasterns are a bit "loose" or a bit "let down" (not sure how to describe) hope you understand me.
Anything I should be worried about or will she just grow into it? Should I give her Vitamin C at this early age?

Re: Puppy

What are you feeding her. And yes, give her vitamin C.

Re: Puppy

Vitamin C is fine. Keep her on a lower dose and up it later when she's larger. I gave 500 mg daily at 11 weeks and raised it to 500 mg twice daily at 17 weeks.

You might want to check with your vet to be sure they're in agreement especially about the dosage. Mine was.

Re: Puppy

What kind of protein level is this puppy getting in her diet? You may want to explore that, and possibly supplement the protein a bit if the puppy is not on a good-quality puppy food.

Re: Puppy

The puppy just came to me from the breeder. She's been fed a food called Halla Foder. This is an Swedish food. Here's a link to that brand of food:
I will be feeding her Pro Pac large breed puppy food:
I've only seen this when the puppies are teething, but not this early.
Thanks for your answers!

Re: Puppy

I've used Sure Grow with great success.

Re: Puppy

I don't think the pup is ready for any vitamins yet. You may supply him vitamins by natural ways. My Poodle started supplements at age 2.

Re: Puppy

Vitamin C for a 9 week old puppy is fine. My vet recommended me to feed my Labrador vitamin C at 8 weeks actually. I also suggest you visit your dog's vet for a check up. As for my Labrador Retriever care and any other breed care, vets know best.

Re: Puppy

... vets know best.
My vets are great for medical issues, but I find mine know nothing about the benefits of vitamins and supplements as they pertain to issues like weak pasterns etc.

Re: Puppy

Isn't it true that the excess Vitamin C that they don't use in their body just washes out with the urine?

Re: Puppy

Yes, Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and excess not used by the body will be excreted out through the urine.

Re: Puppy

I thought the same thing "Me" when I read that "vets know best", just ask how many breed specific courses on nutrition your vet has taken in medical school. You can't even get very many successful breeders to agree with each other within a single breed on what food is best!
The best advice on food is follow your breeders advice "IF" you like the looks of their dogs.

Re: Puppy

Pat Hastings always says definitively to change foods if puppy is down in the pasterns. Just the change of food can help.

Re: Puppy

Put this puppy on Adult food ASAP.

Re: Puppy

Most Vit C has other ingredients along with it. I think that plain sodium ascorbate is Vit C - can someone verfiy that?