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Pred and puppy coats?

I have two six month old puppies who had strangles when they were young and were put on pred. They are perfectly healthy now, but I've noticed they don't have a "normal" coat, it's all undercoat/no top coat...basically the fuzzy/felt coat you have on little baby puppies. They were the only puppies in the litter, so I don't have anyone else to compare them to, but both mom and dad have proper coats and have produced it. Does anyone know if pred can affect coat development? I'm hoping that this is just an issue with their puppy coat and that their adult coat will come in correct, but thought I'd check to see if anyone else has seen this.

Re: Pred and puppy coats?

I don't know about pred but the physical stress of a disease like strangles could cause an odd coat on a pup. It should normalize over the next couple of months.

Speak to others who have had strangles. Maybe it's not busy on her because we're al hoiday shopping. Some stores are open 24-7.

Re: Pred and puppy coats?

My strangles girl's coat has been great from day one.I've read that pred can slow growth though,so perhaps it can slow coat growth as well.Affects them all differently I'm sure.Hang in there,I bet they'll grow coat soon!