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Pine shavings - Thank You!

Was out in the beautiful sun, raking, cleaning and just enjoying the sun today. I want to thank you for your suggestions on the pine shavings. I bought enough bags to cover the yard and it looks very nice and the dogs even seem to be happy just sitting there in the sun. They did start munching on them and then threw it up so now they're not curious anymore (I hope!) The test will be tonight when they come in to go to bed!!! Thanks again and Have a Very Safe & Happy New Year!

Re: Pine shavings - Thank You!

They are great at first but just wait until they start stinking to high heaven and in the spring when your mud NEVER dries because of them!
Bad choice.
You will be out there with wheelbarrow lifting and raking heavy, stinky sloppy, disgusting wood chips.
Stone is MUCH better and it actually drains.
Sorry I never saw your initial post.

Re: Pine shavings - Thank You!

Well we'll have to see, getting quotes on redoing with pavers anyway so I am hopefully not to far out with the remodel

Re: Pine shavings - Thank You!

I usually use straw for this purpose because it ends up just disappearing. I assume it just decomposes.

I have used shavings with success and I find they just blow away eventually. I have never had the mess in the spring that "yuck" describes. I just find the shavings dry up and blow away.

But either straw or shavings have worked for me on many an occasion.

They are great at first but just wait until they start stinking to high heaven and in the spring when your mud NEVER dries because of them!
Bad choice.
You will be out there with wheelbarrow lifting and raking heavy, stinky sloppy, disgusting wood chips.
Stone is MUCH better and it actually drains.
Sorry I never saw your initial post.

Re: Pine shavings - Thank You!

Nor have I ever had the problems that "yuck" described. We have used them for years.

Re: Pine shavings - Thank You!

Well, so far no rain and it was a good evening without LOTS of mess coming in the house. I was out there again today and it's just easier to pick up the poop stuff. They are not wanting to do their business in the shavings so they go to the farther back part of the house which is really ideal. I hope it continues this way and that I don't get the "yuck" that yuck has mentioned.

Re: Pine shavings - Thank You!

just an update on those pine shavings... working very nicely. yes, with the wind they are everywhere but that is what it is. have raked up poop and pee and it's much easier to clean up than on the dirt, sand. House much cleaner than before. Working very nicely for me. Thanks again