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Pawzzle Ball vs Teaser Ball

Hi all! For those who knows both product, what is the difference between the two? Durability? Thanks in advance !They both look the same....

Re: Pawzzle Ball vs Teaser Ball

it looks like the pawzzle ball has a ball inside that holds treats that come out as they play with it. The teaser ball only has a ball that rolls around inside. We had a hard plastic ball once that held little treats and our dogs loved pushing it all over the yard getting them to come out. The dominate girl always ended up with it, but it was great. Don't know the brand. Sadly my husband ran over it with the tractor. I would think the pawzzle ball would be more fun. There is a Kong ball that you can put treats in as well but the reviews say that big dogs eat it pretty easily, I gathered the rubber wasn't as strong as the regular Kong

Re: Pawzzle Ball vs Teaser Ball

Mine all love the teaser ball, very durable, and they come in several sizes. I recommend the teaser ball to all of my puppy clients. So much fun for my crew.