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Re: Deposit question

Wow. There's probably a family out there who would pick that puppy just because of the white spot. Some pet owners think it's cute, and there's certainly nothing wrong with the white spot. I wouldn't want anyone taking my pup who didn't adore it, so I would hold the deposit until I sold it to another buyer, and then refund the deposit to the original person.

Re: Deposit question

I had this happen last year. there was one pup in the litter with a quarter size white circle. All families were notified pictures sent showing it. We also had discussions how this has nothing to do with temperament and is even in the show ring. When it came time for me to pick each puppy for the appropriate family, the people who I chose this puppy for declined. I was shocked. 8 weeks of discussing this and not one word from them. I refunded their deposit, would not hesitate on that. Turns out a former puppy family of mine wanted a 2nd and grabbed the opportunity to have this puppy. I don't think this puppy owner is a "monster" I think that's terrible and harsh but I also dont understand why a white spot is a big deal if the puppy offered the family everything else. If the breeder is reading this, please just refund the deposit. Is it really worth all this?

Re: Deposit question

Wow. There's probably a family out there who would pick that puppy just because of the white spot. Some pet owners think it's cute, and there's certainly nothing wrong with the white spot. I wouldn't want anyone taking my pup who didn't adore it, so I would hold the deposit until I sold it to another buyer, and then refund the deposit to the original person.
I had a family request if possible a chocolate with a fairly good sized white line down the chest. Xmas photos at a year, he was decked out in Santa clothes and the white was the same. They came back to me 2 years later for a pup out of the same bitch's last litter. They were nice, normal puppy buyers that still send me photos yearly.

I wouldn't give the deposit back immediately unless they insist on the pup immediately. Otherwise, I would wait until I had a good home for the pup at the same price they were paying. If it were less, I would deduct it off their deposit.