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Re: Internet Dispute w/ Dog Breeders

It is a public notice such as any public notice concerning debts or creditors. Perfectly appropriate. He signed his name and made his announcement. You read this type of public announcement in newspapers all the time, especially in the classified section under Notices.

Speaks more about the person using his name and professional status improperly.

Re: Internet Dispute w/ Dog Breeders

Dear Jeffrey,

By posting your name you invite inquiry, you are not well thought of in your practice! One Client spoke of their experience with you as just 'STUNNED" by how unprofessional you were. I think your post speaks volumes! Contact her directly man! Lab folks defend their own!!

Re: Internet Dispute w/ Dog Breeders

What are you all talking about ?

Re: Internet Dispute w/ Dog Breeders

a posting by some bottom-feeder lawyer about a breeder, which apparently Jill, thankfully, took down, but the responses didn't go with it and they floated up to this thread.