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Re: stewarding question

Help please
I was always under the impression that if any exhibitor was to steward for a judge, they are not allowed to show to that judge for that entire, particular show no matter how many days the show ran.

So if I am asked to steward at a show that is so & so amount of days with the same judge judging classes, I am not allowed to show any of my dogs to the judge I stewarded for? Is that a suggestion or an actual AKC rule?

Can someone tell me where to find this rule if it is one? Is it a rule or a suggestion? If it is an AKC rule do you know the citation no. please?

TIA kindly for any help in locating information on this.

Under the AKC Rules & Regulations
Dog Show Stewards - page 2 & 3
"No person should steward for a judge under whom they have an entry, or under whom, in the course of the day's judging, such entry may become eligible to compete."

Thank you for answering.

Potential steward
What about in a cluster? Can you steward for a judge on one day, and then show to him on the following days?

I wonder about that also.

Re: stewarding question

Yes, you can, as judges have several stewards usually throughout the day if scheduled properly. You cannot show to the judge on the actual day you steward for them, and usually the head steward who does the schedule will make certain of that- this is one reason why stewards usually only show one, max two breeds at a show. Hope this helps.