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Older dog on Prednisone....starving!!!!!

Does anyone have any bright ideas for satisfying a dog on a course of Prednisone who's got the munchies?

11 year old on TOTW 1.5c 2x/day. On Pred every other day for a back issue. I have split that 3 cups to 3 meals so he has something midday but he's still ravenous!! I don't want to start putting on gobs of weight, that will only add to his problems. But I wondered if anyone had any thoughts as to low-cal/high satisfaction "treats" that I can free choice with or add to his meals to fill him up? He's not a huge fan of carrots(although he'll eat dirt at this point!!!) and the canned green beans seem to mess a bit with his belly.

Thanks in advance for all your knowledge!!!

Re: Older dog on Prednisone....starving!!!!!

You can give him plain rice cakes, steamed fresh or frozen green beans , some pureed pumpkin. I would stir clear of canned green beans because of the extra sodium. The prednisone alone increases thirst and urination without adding extra salt to his diet. Best of luck!

Re: Older dog on Prednisone....starving!!!!!

Ah, rice cakes, whoda thunk??? Thanks, he'll love those!!! And thanks for the heads up on the salt, although I think we had gotten the low sodium cans of beans, maybe not consciously though....

The pumpkin's going to be interesting, I'm worried about the finicky factor on pumpkin???

Thanks for your help, have a wonderful evening!!

Re: Older dog on Prednisone....starving!!!!!

In addition to low sodium canned green beans and carrots, I've also used low sodium peas to help fill em up when dieting.

Re: Older dog on Prednisone....starving!!!!!

What about apples

Re: Older dog on Prednisone....starving!!!!!

My dogs love apples. I do not give them the core though. They also love most fresh vegtables and fruit. Lettuce - not so much. LOL

Re: Older dog on Prednisone....starving!!!!!

got the munchies...
Ah, rice cakes, whoda thunk??? Thanks, he'll love those!!! And thanks for the heads up on the salt, although I think we had gotten the low sodium cans of beans, maybe not consciously though....

The pumpkin's going to be interesting, I'm worried about the finicky factor on pumpkin???

Thanks for your help, have a wonderful evening!!

Besides or instead of rice cakes, you can add Store brand, no sugar or flavors Plain Puffed Rice. I learned about this a long time back before rice cakes were popular at my very 1st show ever. I met a well known, long-time breeder judge ringside who is no longer alive now . She admired my bitch but told me to take up to 4 #'s off her stating she was a excellent shape and well muscled but could use just a lil more weight off her.

I had her on 1.5 cups twice daily of a kibble she approved of. So long ago, I forget what I fed back then.

She said to go to the Supermarket, buy inexpensive, plain-puffed rice and add it to only 1 cup of the premium but not high protein or fat kibble I used each feeding. Then I could add plain yogurt 1/2 tablespoon to the mixture. It worked well and I do the same today if one of my Labs needs to lose a few #'s. I also added 1 extra walk instead of running in the dog area a day working up to 2 miles in 2 weeks. We both lost a few #'s we needed to take off.

So if want to try something similar or add less of both, you could add puffed rice to the kibble or make it a mid day meal. Just a suggestion from a smart, long-time breeder a long time back.

Re: Older dog on Prednisone....starving!!!!!

Great idea and probably more cost effective than the canned vegi's