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Split Season and OFAs

Hey all,

I have a bitch who is giving me fits!
She will be 2 next week and she has had weird heat cycles so far.

Here is her history:
Nov 15, 2010 – (1st season - normal progression)

3 months after starting first season
Feb 26, 2011 - (2nd season - Split heat – quit bleeding within a few days, started bleeding again on March 21st, had normal cycle, about 3 weeks or so )

Sept 10, 2011 – (3rd season - normal progression)

Jan 21, 2012 – (4th season - split heat - quit bleeding withing a few days, hasn't started bleeding again yet)

So my question is regarding her OFA x-rays. I've always heard that you never want to do them when a bitch is in season, but what about split heats??

Here's the odd thing...
She acts like she's in season. She's humping other dogs and basically acting whacko. My boys believe wholeheartedly that she is in season and I can't seem to convice them otherwise.

Her coat is not a full, shiny, in season coat. It wasn't on her last heat cycle either. She bloomed out for the second part of her heat cycle last time and I hope she does that again.

So does anyone have experience with OFA x-rays during a split heat?

Thanks for your replies. :)

Re: Split Season and OFAs

This just happened to me with 2 girls. One is 2 and this is her 3rd cycle, the other is one and it is her 1st cycle. Light bleeding for a couple of days, very little swelling. The 2 year old is one of those yellows that is usually a swollen, bloody mess. The difference with the OP is my boy has paid no attention to either of them and I have been keeping them mostly ( put them together only to see if he was interested ) separated. I had an appointment for the 2 year old to have her OFA's done and noticed the bleeding just before time to leave for her appt. Called the vet and they said I had to wait 3 months. Now I am thinking that I can go ahead and get them done since she really didn't have a real cycle. What is the consensus on getting them done before she comes in again? I want to breed her and am afraid if I don't get the x-rays done right away I will miss getting her bred. I am afraid she will have a real cycle soon. Wish I had done pre-lims!

Re: Split Season and OFAs

Had my girl done at 24 months and at the time did not realize she was coming into season...Report came back:
Mild Hip Dysplasia/ subluxation/shallow acetabula...
Called Dr Keller and he suggested waiting 4 months then have them re-done..result
Hips: GOOD
Hope this helps...