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Re: LQ Article Submission...

I plan on doing that Monday :) Thanks :)

Re: LQ Article Submission...

Your instincts to seek permission are good. Always ask permission: it is polite, and if the photos are not yours, definitely needed. You also should seek permission to publish private photos of people. Bigger publishers have whole departments for permissions, but Hoflin is tiny, so you need to do your own homework.

If this is a basic "about Labs" or "intro to Labs" article, maybe a different magazine would be a better outlet than one that focuses on breeders, such as LQ. Conversely, maybe your interviews are more in depth or newsy and just what folks want to read.

Good luck with it!

Re: LQ Article Submission...

I think I may take the non professional interviews out. I want to keep it informational. Thanks for the ideas :) I'm a long ways off from wanting to Publish just want to know what I need to do to keep it within ethical limits :)

Re: LQ Article Submission...

If you interviewed people, they ought to have been informed that your intention was to publish an article. This should have been done before you wrote the article. Now you should supply each of them a copy of your article for their review prior to publication, if they give you permission to do so. Also, a good grammar and spell check review by a proof reader would help your writing sound more professional. Not to be nasty about it, but the closing sentence from your post, combined with the other errors in your post, make it sound as though it was written by an eighth grader. "Like should I obtain permission to publish from the interviewees or are the citations good enough?"

Re: LQ Article Submission...

No harm done :) I was hoping for an English teacher or professor to help me on this one. I know I have a completely different tone when I am talking to those I consider "friends" but in my paper I have a wider vocabulary spread. I just don't see a point in trying if there isn't a grade lol. I am a nursing major with a minor in nutrition not English.... There were several people including my old high school English teachers and my English Comp. II professor proof it before submitting it... I should add that it was an A paper Thank you for your input!!! Greatly appreciatiated!! I am toying with the idea right now of publishing, but I want to know what work goes into it first.