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Re: Joint Supplementation For Puppies??

I thought cosequin wasn't good for puppies? I start Glyco Flex and Vit C pretty much right at 8 weeks.

Re: Joint Supplementation For Puppies??

Which GlycoFlex do you use?

Re: Joint Supplementation For Puppies??

For ease of dosing I use Natures Farmacy PhytoFlex. It is a powder that contains what you need for joints, and as a powder you can increase easily for weight or for stress working conditions. I double the dose for my seniors and it works well. I also use Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Fish Oil capsuls startn at 8 weeks.

Re: Joint Supplementation For Puppies??

I thought cosequin wasn't good for puppies?

Is this true? I haven't heard of this before? Is there a certain ingredient in it that is not good for puppies?