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Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

I wanted to place an ad in the catalog, and found out for a full page $75 ad I didn't even get a complimentary catalog! Holy Cow!! I can't even think of another Lab specialty that would have the 'green greed' so bad that they don't give people who place full page ads the complimentary catalog!! Guess I can see where their priorities are, and my money won't be!

Jodi Riley LRCP Corresponding Secretary

February 28 is fast approaching and I haven't sent my Potomac Catalog ad to Tina/Linda/Lisa inc. Rumor has it I have a lot of company. And why rush? I can always wait until the last possible minute and make their lives miserable for a few days! OR, I could get on the stick and do it NOW.

Do it the easy way. Go to LRCP.COM, scroll down to the Catalog Ad section on the HOME page, make your reservation online, then email your ad copy directly to to Tina/Linda/Lisa Inc. Get their email addresses from the very same HOME page.

The weather in Frederick for April is forecast to be 50 F and bright sunny skies and other Potomac lies.

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

Dayum, $75? That's two night's bar tabs for me. I think I'd rather spend it on my drinks and have a good time. LOL

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

It is a real shame that it is getting to be all about money with the club and this show in particular. You should always get a catalog free with a paid ad. Potomac is going to price themselves right out of being the best specialty in the country, and I for one am calling this my last year to attend after so many years of exhibiting there. When they decide they care more about Labradors and putting on a first class show again instead of making the most money that they can I will go back.

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

Jodi Riley LRCP Corresponding Secretary

February 28 is fast approaching and I haven't sent my Potomac Catalog ad to Tina/Linda/Lisa inc. Rumor has it I have a lot of company. And why rush? I can always wait until the last possible minute and make their lives miserable for a few days! OR, I could get on the stick and do it NOW.

Do it the easy way. Go to LRCP.COM, scroll down to the Catalog Ad section on the HOME page, make your reservation online, then email your ad copy directly to to Tina/Linda/Lisa Inc. Get their email addresses from the very same HOME page.

The weather in Frederick for April is forecast to be 50 F and bright sunny skies and other Potomac lies.

Potomac lies. They said it themselves.

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

And while we are bitching: there is NO apostrophe in a plural word unless the singular word ends in an "s". So it's "ads" not "ad's" to denote more than one ad.

Just had to get that off my chest - I've never figured out whey people think an apostrophe is needed anytime there's an "s" at the end of a word!

Thanks (not thank's)

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

If a full page catalog ad is placed, you DO receive a complimentary catalog. I asked and received an answer. So "Money Honey" you best check your facts!

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

Lulu's Best Friend
If a full page catalog ad is placed, you DO receive a complimentary catalog. I asked and received an answer. So "Money Honey" you best check your facts!

Hiya Krista!

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

I'll tell you what. I happily paid $75 for a full page ad. What better advertising can you get, with more breeders onsite, from all around the globe and your dog in the ring for viewing??
$75 is a small price to pay for that kind of exposure.
I make notes in my catalog, and all of my specialty catalogs are filed at home with notations reflected upon. Betcha I'm not the only one who does this.

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

I advertised 2 years ago and if my memory is right, I paid $50 a page. That's a large jump to $75 and I can't afford it. If you can, that's good for you.

I'm not sure if I'm attending after recently hearing the match is being held indoors. Apparently the club wants us that show our dogs need to pay for their spending curves.

Well,I don't have a money tree in the dog yard. I could add several other things that bother me.

I'm not poor but I'm sure not today's standards of wealthy. I have other things I want in my life besides the Potomac if I have the funds available.

If you don't mind the price of advertising going sky high that's fine. I do mind it and wont advertise.

To each our own.

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

As long as this is turning into a complaint page - I'm still upset about the Obedience being moved. I think we should refrain from entering any obedience until it is moved back to the main site.

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

Good Lord, what a bunch of crabby bitches. The catalog's (yes, there should be an apostrophe there....) too expensive, the venue isn't right....blah, blah, blah.

I hope that when the rest of the clubs in this country are able to put on a show of the magnitude and class of The Potomac, that they will enjoy the criticism this club endures.

I say, good luck to the club members in the coming months, here's to good weather and another wonderful show!!!

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

Complainers, stay home!!!
Good Lord, what a bunch of crabby bitches. The catalog's (yes, there should be an apostrophe there....) too expensive, the venue isn't right....blah, blah, blah.

I hope that when the rest of the clubs in this country are able to put on a show of the magnitude and class of The Potomac, that they will enjoy the criticism this club endures.

I say, good luck to the club members in the coming months, here's to good weather and another wonderful show!!!

Last time I checked, this is still a free country where we are allowed freedom of speech. If something rubs the wrong way we have the right to express our criticism and complain. Problems arise when ears don't/ won't listen. Even those who complain have every right to come to show, so why don't you listen to what they have to say rather than to tell them to stay home. I think that your attitude is even more offensive than people expressing themselves. That's my opinion, and I am entitled to express it regardless of how many times you tell me to shut up, sit down or stay away.

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

Lab Breeder
As long as this is turning into a complaint page - I'm still upset about the Obedience being moved. I think we should refrain from entering any obedience until it is moved back to the main site.

I was waiting for someone to say it. There are many unhappy former financial supporters of the club in several ways that have changed their minds. I won't support obedience & rally after the change that is a 1st in Potomac history.

Do we also have to donate $1,000 or more to get our own, reserved parking space like last year?

Are these what other Potomac lies are?

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

Complainers, stay home!!!
Good Lord, what a bunch of crabby bitches. The catalog's (yes, there should be an apostrophe there....) too expensive, the venue isn't right....blah, blah, blah.

I hope that when the rest of the clubs in this country are able to put on a show of the magnitude and class of The Potomac, that they will enjoy the criticism this club endures.

I say, good luck to the club members in the coming months, here's to good weather and another wonderful show!!!

Last time I checked, this is still a free country where we are allowed freedom of speech. If something rubs the wrong way we have the right to express our criticism and complain. Problems arise when ears don't/ won't listen. Even those who complain have every right to come to show, so why don't you listen to what they have to say rather than to tell them to stay home. I think that your attitude is even more offensive than people expressing themselves. That's my opinion, and I am entitled to express it regardless of how many times you tell me to shut up, sit down or stay away.

Guess I'd like to see the breeders of such a laid back, go with the flow breed, such as a Labrador Retriever, act the same!!! Instead of a bunch of complaining, persnickety, "can't possibly make that work" types.

We're going to give ourselves a reputation that I think none of us picky, snotty show people rather than the fun-loving, pull together exhibitors we were at one time!!!


Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

Complainers, stay home!!!
Guess I'd like to see the breeders of such a laid back, go with the flow breed, such as a Labrador Retriever, act the same!!! Instead of a bunch of complaining, persnickety, "can't possibly make that work" types.

We're going to give ourselves a reputation that I think none of us picky, snotty show people rather than the fun-loving, pull together exhibitors we were at one time!!!


By assigning those labels, and telling people to stay home, you(and those around you who share your attitude), certainly are giving yourself a reputation.

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

Lab Breeder
As long as this is turning into a complaint page - I'm still upset about the Obedience being moved. I think we should refrain from entering any obedience until it is moved back to the main site.

You're right and it's being done.

The big problem is that they just went and made a change without their board, members or exhibitors opinions initially. Then they called a quick meeting when the word got out at the end of a basic newsletter in e-mail. So who are they, the few that wanted this? I don't know but I don't want to compete in obedience & rally indoors so I can miss the rest of the show situated all the way across town. No thanks. I don't want to miss all of the conformation classes my dogs are entered in or miss viewing others such as BOB, BOS, WB, BOW, and WD even if my dogs aren't in them.

Either I'm not attending the Potomac at all or I'll only be at the conformation ring. There are lots of us doing the same. The few that will be indoors won't cover the few hundred dollars a day rent X 5 days the LRCP is paying for the use of the dingy facility, the rosettes and all other expenses. Not many are volunteering to help. They don't want to miss the other part of the show either. What about a photographer there? Will there be 2 photographers splitting that up too? They won't be happy.

Making an offhand prediction of 2013, the people who don't want to get wet or muddy will be back outdoors. The club won't be able to afford to make this change again altho they have plenty of banked money now. All the demands by -them- have done is caused a rift between some in obedience-rally and other conformation exhibitors. It's not many, it's a few but this shouldn't be happening.

Good goin whoever started the childish %h@*. Learn how to purchase warm socks and what were called -rubbers- back in the day. Wear a warm raincoat with a sweater beneath, gloves and a hat-hood on your head. Your dog will sit in damp or rainy ground at home or in the conformation ring if the weather is poor. It didn't stop the older timers in obedience before, it's mostly those new at obedience-rally that are stamping their feet.

I'm angry at what's been done. We had to make choices and the upper echilon should have known what they would be. Now you can eat the financial losses for 1 year, too bad the entire club is too when most didn't want this to happen.

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

To "Free Speach" I do not understand your comment about paying for a reserved parking spot????????????
OK I guess it was just a "try to be funny comment"?
I parked wherever I found a spot when I arrived.
I for one would love to just give the Potomac folks a break and try to enjoy the show.
It is an amazing amount of work to put something like this together. No matter what they do, they will not please everyone.
Our labs are very adaptable, so we should be too!

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

Potomac is my all time favorite show and I for one can't wait until April. And for all you haters out there, you should at least know what you are talking about if you have to go spreading your poison...

You do get a complimentary catalog with a full page ad,

And for the grammar police (that would be you "So it's "ads" not "ad's" "), learn how to spell! (The word is WHY not WHEY)

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

Gimme a break!
Potomac is my all time favorite show and I for one can't wait until April. And for all you haters out there, you should at least know what you are talking about if you have to go spreading your poison...

You do get a complimentary catalog with a full page ad,

And for the grammar police (that would be you "So it's "ads" not "ad's" "), learn how to spell! (The word is WHY not WHEY)

And obviously you can't tell a TYPO from a grammar error! Go bark up another tree, "Gimme a Break!".

Re: Potomac Catalog Ad's

Gimme a break!
Potomac is my all time favorite show and I for one can't wait until April. And for all you haters out there, you should at least know what you are talking about if you have to go spreading your poison...

You do get a complimentary catalog with a full page ad,

And for the grammar police (that would be you "So it's "ads" not "ad's" "), learn how to spell! (The word is WHY not WHEY)

And obviously you can't tell a TYPO from a grammar error! Go bark up another tree, "Gimme a Break!".

This is my 1st time back. No need for me to reply.