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Re: White House dog

Inquiring mind

In watching this video I am thinking if it was a Labrador they had chosen it would be certainly "greeting" the tourist guest. How is it this dog stands so still and no greet to the people? I cannot see a Labrador doing this. Is this dog trained to do this? Just curious....

Yes, this is a well trained dog. Yes, a Labrador can and will do the same if trained.

Re: White House dog

OP understand that that dog has had it's own personal trainer ever since it was a puppy! Any Labrador could do that with the amount of training the portie has had.

Re: White House dog

OP understand that that dog has had it's own personal trainer ever since it was a puppy! Any Labrador could do that with the amount of training the portie has had.

Basically, as Ann said any well-bred Lab would behave the same if trained to do what Bo does today.

Bo, having his own personal trainer must cost a arm 'n a leg. Remember; the daily training bills come down the line to us that are tax-payers. So he best behave himself perfectly during tours or when company is in the WhiteHouse. It cost lots of moolAh to train Bo to stand quitely at Mrs. Obama;s side while she hugs & kisses her guests.

Wouldn't we all enjoy having an individual trainer for each of our show or companion dogs from the time they were young and forever?

They enter the picture when and as they choose. We can't see it all behind their closed doors. I find it amazing tho, I've heard of no reports of allergies to dander on him. That is what most that are really allergic to dogs; children or adults that are really allergic is to the dander, not the coat. He isn't shaved short either, he's in a longish coat style. Maybe she outgrew it or maybe it never existed but I do think they chose a nice gift from Teddy K. Porties are nice dogs and probably not difficult to train especially when training is unlimited.

I hope they keep him with the family forever and he wasn't a show-piece for the country to see. Time will tell as Obama leaves the WhiteHouse after 1 or 2 terms. I read the original trainer passed young with an odd set of circumstances.