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Re: Weight Watcher's Version of Marrow Bone Stuffing

The lowest calorie version has broth and is frozen. It can get messy while it thaws if they are not quick eaters.

You can also soak some of the ration of kibble, if you feed that, in low fat broth and stuff it in the kong with a tiny bit of peanut butter at the top and bottom of the kong so they have something to work on. Then freeze the kong in a sandwich baggie.

Some folks use bananas, but they are caloric. Yogurt, non fat cream cheese, can line the kong. Or melt a small amount of American cheese in it and swirl it around, then add veggies. The cream cheese is harder to get out of the kong if they are not good at cleaning their kongs.

I've also put in lean ground meat or fish and veggies, then frozen it. Usually they are happy to eat it . The bad time was the dog who did not eat his fish-stuffed frozen kong on a hot summer day at a show. (Figures that was the only frozen kong I had left that day.) It was just too hot to eat that day. Next time it is hot he is getting a tiny bit of peanut butter and bananas or berries in his kong.

Re: Weight Watcher's Version of Marrow Bone Stuffing

Light peanut butter and kibble in layers, then freeze.

Re: Weight Watcher's Version of Marrow Bone Stuffing

Ha! Image telling your Labrador you have had all your "POINTS" for today. ;)

I like the pumpkin idea. My guys just love frozen Kongs. Yes, but do agree washing well is a must. I use a baby bottle cleaner tool and hot soapy water. Works well. :)


zucchini !Re: Weight Watcher's Version of Marrow Bone Stuffing

All these good ideas just gave me another one, especially for summer. Pumpkins are squash family members. When gardens overflow with zucchini one can shred it, then cook it in broth or with a little bone marrow or grated cheese, then save for stuffing bones and kongs. Maybe as mini cubes of squash in the freezer? I don't think the Labs will mind those giant zucchinis if the filling is meat flavored. Me, I like the little ones!

Re: Weight Watcher's Version of Marrow Bone Stuffing

I just toss the Kongs in the dishwasher with all the bowls