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Heartworm/Flea/Tick Protocol

My boy is currently on Frontline Plus and Interceptor. He has developed allergies to beef and pork, and presents with skin issues as a result.
My vet wants me to switch to Sentinel, which is a flea preventive. I did not realize the Sentinel is a flea preventive when we were at the vet.
So, my question is, what do I do for tick prevention? Are Sentinel and Frontline Plus safe to use together?
I asked about Ivomec which is my preference, but not the vet's.
I have left another message with the vet asking questions but thought I would check with you all, too...
FYI Heartgard is bringing back their HW tablet which is unflavored some time this year.

Re: Heartworm/Flea/Tick Protocol

Honestly, I don't see how changing from one Novartis Flavor Tab with milbemycin to another from the same manufacturer is going to help the allergy to the flavor, unless your vet somehow knows that Sentinel has no beef or pork in it.

He's your dog, so you should be able to use Ivomec if you want to do so--just ask the vet to double check your dosage, maybe adding pyrantel pamoate to your worming regimen to make it more like Heartgard Plus, if worms are a concern. If whipworms are also a concern, you can use Safeguard/Panacur occasionally. Yes, OTC versions are available..

Sentinel just has a growth regulator to work on fleas. It does little for real flea problems, from what my neighbor told me years ago. If it is just to keep the population explosion down to a dull roar, it might be worth trying, if Sentinel is more available than Interceptor currently AND if it is not the same flavor, which is unlikely.

The only other concern with Ivomec would be if your dog had the MDR1 gene--some Labs may, although it is not as likely as in a Collie. Then again, any dog can be sensitive to something others in the breed are not. Ask your vet why he is against Ivomec if you are really careful with the dosage--preferably a dosage from the vet. Surely it is not about the mark up on the meds. (that being said, the vet has overhead, too. We all have to do what we have to do, and you have to do what you think is right for your own dog.)

Re: Heartworm/Flea/Tick Protocol

Charlotte, thank you for your reply. I was hoping you would weigh in!
Sentinel has a coating on the outside of the pill, I am told, as opposed to flavored throughout like Interceptor. Supposedly like a Spree candy or an M & M? I was directed to rinse the pill until the coating comes off. Sounds crazy to me. I am skeptical. This vet is new for me, but she is a holistic vet and has helped my dog tremendously. So I guess I will give this a try.
My vet's opposition to Ivomec is because it would be off label (not indicated for dogs?). The vet's tech did call me back today and said I could safely use Frontline Plus with the Sentinel.
Looking forward to Heartgard tabs making a come back.
Again, thank you for the reply. I appreciate it.

Re: Heartworm/Flea/Tick Protocol

Sentinel is Interceptor with Program added to break down the outer layer of the fleas eggs so they won't hatch.I would think that the safest way to go with an allergy issue would be Ivomec.Frontline is safe,but seems as of late to be less affective.Have you tried Vectra for ticks(fleas also)?Safeguard is a great addition to your regimen too.Hope you find the right combo for your dog,allergies can be a real "bugger".

Re: Heartworm/Flea/Tick Protocol

Cathy, thank you for the suggestions. You are right - allergies make this a real "bugger!"