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Bad stuff going around on the East coast?

Is there a bad stomach bug going around now? Don't really want to pick up something horrible at Potomac!

Re: Bad stuff going around on the East coast?

A bunch of my friends and I got the Norovirus, but that was back in early March. Hopefully it has passed through the East and moved FAR away! It was terrible!

But seriously, would you not come to Potomac even if there was a bug going around? To me it would be worth it to see all my friends and their lovely dogs!!!

Re: Bad stuff going around on the East coast?

I meant doggy stomach bug - blowout diarrhea type of stuff. I don't care about me

Re: Bad stuff going around on the East coast?

HAHAHAAHA!! I should have known!!

I haven't heard of anything in the Mid-Atlantic area.

Re: Bad stuff going around on the East coast?

Be prepared and bring pumpkin, dig. enzymes, Flagyl, Pepto and Pepcid AC!

Re: Bad stuff going around on the East coast?

That's what you call true grit. We people can suffer any stomach ailment there is, but by golly, let's not take any chances for our doggies!!! I love it!

Here's wishing everyone a safe and barf free Potomac, full of only fun and ribbons and no "bad stuff". :)

Re: Bad stuff going around on the East coast?

Why do I think somebody enjoys starting a rumor and making people crazy? There is ALWAYS crud of some kind out there. Why ruin peoples' enjoyment of a wonderful event?

Re: Bad stuff going around on the East coast?

Geez, I wasn't starting a rumor, just asking around to see if there's a specific issue we need to watch out for. Chill out - I'm coming with my dogs, just want to be prepared if there's some meds I don't usually carry!

Re: Bad stuff going around on the East coast?

Bring your medicine cabinet for humans and dogs.