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lymes disease

I've got a 2 yr old stud that just tested positive for lymes via (snap test) anybody familiar with that it is not saying the dog has lymes just means it has the antibodies. He is currently on antibiotics but I am reading it causes infertility? Anbody else have this problem? Nancy boyle was yours fertile before or did he become infertile after contracting lymes? Can I try to breed him while on the antibiotic or not a good idea thanks for any help

Re: lymes disease

I'm sorry your dog tested positive for Lyme disease. If he has the antibodies then he has or has had Lyme disease. My boy wasn't collected before he had Lyme disease. You should ask your vet whether it is safe to try to breed him while he is on the antibiotic. You might want to have a sperm count done.