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Stinky Ears


I have a bitch here that has stinky ears, to look in them they don't look dirty but they have a yeasty smell to them. She has one week old puppies and I don't want to expose her the the vet clinic right now. Does anyone know what I can treat them with that would be safe with the pups nursing and around her. Or maybe some sort of home remedy that would be safe? Thanks

Re: Stinky Ears

From a breeder/handler/groomer of Kerry Blue terriers I learned to wipe out with witch hazel soaked on guaze pads or cotton balls. Witch hazel is found next to rubbing alcohol in most pharmacies. With an active yeast infection you need to do it 3 times a day for at least 10 days. For prevention, once a week or anytime after they swim.

Re: Stinky Ears

My veterinary dermatologist told me to mix apple cider vinegar and water, 50/50, to clean yeasty ears.