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7 month old big boned male with pronounced occiput, what chance of going away? Beautiful head except for the dome!

Re: Age

In my experience, a pronounced occiput tends to flatten with age. Any that I've ever had with a "dunce cap" eventually wound up with beautiful heads.

Re: Age

I call them "party hats"!

Re: Age

I consider the Cone a Very Good thing. I have some large headed Labs and after they go through the cone stage the head tends to almost have a seam down the middle from where it will spread out wide and beautiful. Definitely a sign of a very broad head later. Some take longer than others.

Re: Age

I owe the folks on this forum so much for a previous cone head post where comments similar to above were made. I had been avoiding the cone heads and could not figure out why I never reproduced Grandma's fantastic head! After several posters saying cone heads are like a hinge where head eventually flattens and widens to be gorgeous, I finally was smart enough to keep the cone heads which do indeed turn wide and gorgeous. Thanks to all who posted today and in the past!

Re: Age

If he had a good head as a little guy my sincere
suggestion....put bag over his head and take it off at between 2 and 3 years old.....YOU WILL BE HAPPY!
Pour yourselves a cold one and wait