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Face book

Does anyone else think that face book gives some people unfair advantage in the ring?
FB allows everyone to know what you look like and what dog you are promoting and how many points are needed to finish your dog and all the judges are on FB and check all this out. Friends of judges help friends or are influenced by the big wigs to look and put up certain people. Just a thought?

Re: Face book

Grow up !

Re: Face book

Since when did life become fair?

Love FB its not just about dogs its great to be able to interact with friends that live on other side of the country, know whats going on in their lives on a daily basis on a more personal level. Do you really think a judge that wanted to know how many points a dog/bitch needed to finish wouldnt find out anyway, do you really think any judge that is not ethical needs FB to assist them? Pleeezzzeeeee

Re: Face book

It would take me all day to answer everyone or play games with people besides belonging to all the groups!
They wouldn't cancel mine so I just shut down the mail and changed my age and profile.
Are you all selling dogs on face book or what? I don't have the time. This forum is a lot less

Re: Face book

I having been thinking this lately and probably a good time to post this thought. It appears to me that Facebook has taken away a lot of prior activity and posts that use to be on this Forum. In other words, appears to me that Facebook may be becoming more popular than participating on this Forum. JMO and it makes me sad.

Re: Face book

I personally like the straight forward comments on FB. If someone is rotten you see it by their full name not by bdr or anon or whatever other alias someone wants to put. FB is good for that. If you don't like it don't participate.

I don't think judges watch what points are needed where. If you think that is what's going on then throw yours out there and if you miraculously start winning you can make those allegations. Until then please grow up.

Re: Face book

Nothing's stopping you from going on Facebook and friending everyone and posting your pictures! It's free! Good thing you are anonymous because with that kind of sour grapes attitude who would accept your friend request?

Re: Face book

As opposed to putting advertisements in ShowSight and AKC Weekly Winners Gallery? At least FB is affordable for all. Can't imagine many judges having time to hang around FB looking for who they want to put up on their next assignment.

Re: Face book

No I don't think so. There are other more effective ways to get judges attention. If you still think that you can earn the judges favor by posting pictures in Facebook, then go ahead and start posting pictures of your dogs. It is free and it gives everybody equal opportunity.

Re: Face book

I love FB and I post photos of my dogs all time. I have many friends on FB who are judges and I've shown my dogs to these people and I always seem to get placed accordingly to how my dog rates among the other dogs in the class. I don't believe anyone is getting an unfair advantage.

What bothers me on FB is certain breeders (usually foreign) who tag as many US breeders that they have friended on FB as they can to get them to see their dogs. It gets rather annoying to see your friends tagged when they have nothing to do with the dog whatsoever. The nice thing about FB is that I can just go to those breeder's pages and block them. Problem solved.

Re: Face book

Wow. Someone on this forum is down right ugly.

Re: Face book

I love FB. Made many dog connections on there. Sell puppies on it?? You've got to be kidding. I don't ship and have a waiting list out the ying yang. Don't need FB for that. But I love helping folks find reputable breeders, so if I see a friend with a litter in NY and I get an inquiry, I do send referrals out daily!

I am rarely in the photos of my dogs, so 1) doubt the judges care and 2) they wouldn't recognize me either.

And honestly, unless you have a big name dog that everyone knows, judges who see alot of dogs and don't personally know you won't know YOUR yellow from someone else's yellow. My best friends can't tell my dogs apart.

And I like FB better as it's fully disclosed with names etc.

Re: Face book

All of the judges on this forum are now laughing their asses off. How utterly ridiculous.

Re: Face book

What bothers me on FB is certain breeders (usually foreign) who tag as many US breeders that they have friended on FB as they can to get them to see their dogs. It gets rather annoying to see your friends tagged when they have nothing to do with the dog whatsoever. The nice thing about FB is that I can just go to those breeder's pages and block them. Problem solved.

You can also go to your security settings and set it to "approve all tagging" You can also control who post in your timeline, which I found very nice.

Re: Face book

I agree wih you Greg, especially when many of the pics are in fact. very unflattering to the dog.

Re: Face book

Facebook won't help you, the judges "are all laughing their asses off". But if you are a good friend of the judge and willing to travel many miles to show to him you will get put up.

Re: Face book

But if you are a good friend of the judge and willing to travel many miles to show to him you will get put up.

It's a shame that you have such a low opinion of judges. Everyone who knows me knows very well that when I step into the ring to judge, I have NO friends. I am quite offended at your broad statement which implies that all judges are crooked. Perhaps you should find something else to do rather than going to dog shows.

Re: Face book

New to the game
Does anyone else think that face book gives some people unfair advantage in the ring?
FB allows everyone to know what you look like and what dog you are promoting and how many points are needed to finish your dog and all the judges are on FB and check all this out. Friends of judges help friends or are influenced by the big wigs to look and put up certain people. Just a thought?

dear new to the game,
i have been on FB as long as i remember as has my daughter-in-law who is a finnish kennel club judge & her collegues, almost everyone here. never have i heard anyone discussing anything what you poner on.
judges are very buzy, their work, family, dogs, training, shows, travel... all that we all have and there is no time or interest to follow up dogs shown or handlers. also it doesn´t make a difference should a dog be a great winner there might be a dog on the day moving better or what ever and win...i would not worry about this at all, try to enjoy your dog/s and shows. best ritva and her worlds best my eyes and heart.