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Puppy missing front teeth

I was taking pictures of a puppy and noticed in the photos that her two bottom front teeth are missing. I have never seen this before and can't find much on the internet.
It says to get them x-rayed to see if the teeth are there and I'll call my Vet tomorrow to see when to x-ray her.
Does anyone have any experience with this. The gum feels hard and the other puppies have all of their teeth and all sissor bites. The muzzles are short and square in this litter.
Could they still come in?

Re: Puppy missing front teeth

What age, they all loose puppy teeth at about 16 weeks.

Re: Puppy missing front teeth

The puppy is 4 almost 5 weeks. I called the Vet and she won't do xrays until the pup is 8 weeks. She thinks the teeth are probably there.
All of her other teeth are perfect. I have never seen this in a Lab puppy before but I hear it's common in other breeds.

Re: Puppy missing front teeth

The teeth are in, perfect bite. We only called her gummy for a few days

Re: Puppy missing front teeth

If they don't come in as she gets older, get it checked. I had some dental work done on an adult, and in the xray process, the dental vet found an unerupted premolar, and removed it. I figured it was best to remove it, in case it abscessed later on.