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New proposed usda ruling & HSUS

Anyone who has NOT responded AGAINST the USDA new proposed ruling had better do so PLEASE for our future.

Look at what WE ARE UP AGAINST & whether truthful or not this is what the HSUS IS CLAIMING:

Re: New proposed usda ruling & HSUS

Here is a link to where to comment.!submitComment;D=APHIS-2011-0003-0001

Pictures, worth a thousand words, Re: New proposed usda ruling & HSUS

Spread this message on the link below, on social sites etc.:
The photos of warm puppies and bunnies snuggling in blankets are what is legal now and what won't be legal soon.
Puppy farms or commercial breeders will be only too happy to have the PUPS and APHIS bills knock the small responsible home breeders out of breeding. These images explain what the bills pushed by ASPCA, Best Friends, and HSUS are really about: ending the breeding of dogs in the home and small kennels, not puppy mills.
The puppy mills or commercial breeders will be happy to have folks come on in to their puppy farms, buying dogs who spend their whole lives in cages, never living in a home. Well raised dogs will have to go the way of the dinosaurs or go black market. Crazy world! I don't want my grandchildren to not know the love of a gentle, sound Labrador Retriever or Cavalier or well raised herding or working breed. The puppy farms will probably set up near tourist attractions or create their own tourist attractions and puppy amusement parks, while meanwhile the pups legally will live in cages with no soft, permeable surfaces. No more dogs in the home, gracing a family living room if they are intact.

Meanwhile, I am told that in at least one of the European countries it is illegal to remove body parts of pets, even spaying and neutering is lumped with ear cropping and tail docking.


Pictures, worth a thousand words, Re: New proposed usda ruling & HSUS

Charlotte are you flipping kidding me? The HSUS, ASPCA, PETA and other animal rights groups want NO breeding PERIOD! This is why I hate these types of photos circulating on FB. It is only meant to divide breeders and scapegoat each other. The commercial kennels are NOT pushing this legislation. The animal rights groups are.

And why is it considered such a sin for people to make money breeding dogs? It's ok for the veterinarians, supply companies, handlers, etc to make money, but god forbid those who actually produce puppies shouldn't be able to make money?

The demand for purebred puppies in this country is still very high despite the animal rights groups push for adoption and anti-breeder, anti-purebred campaigns. But unless the small breeder wants to soup up their breeding programs to meet this demand, these puppies must come from somewhere. That somewhere is the commercial breeder. You and I may not agree with this type of breeding, but it is an acceptable way for people to acquire their pets.

The photos used in those links on FB try to demean them, but are showing two very clean, standard breeding facilities. There are no studies showing that pets bred in this type of facility are any less healthier than those acquired elsewhere. These breeders attend seminars to learn how to breed better dogs. Some of these breeders are also beginning to do OFA on their breeding stock.

Calling these types of breeders nasty names that were made up by the animal rights groups does nothing but conjure up those mental photos we've all seen of substandard breeding facilities and sets off our emotions. The animals rights groups make NO distinction between breeders and uses this highly offensive, derogatory, hate slur to describe ALL breeders regardless of quality or quantity.

Please do not play into the hands of the animal rights zealots and continue to bad mouth breeders in which you have no personal knowledge of. If we are going to win this war (yes, we are at war for our rights to breed) against the animal rights group, we cannot continue to scapegoat and call names.

It is one thing to put up a link that will help get more signatures on AKC's petition, but please, do not do so by scapegoating other breeders. There was a great photo of a young girl with an Australian Shepherd and it said something like, please protect the small breeder, sign this petition today. It was positive, polite and had a great message.

Pictures, worth a thousand words, Re: New proposed usda ruling & HSUS

Where do we find that picture of the girl and Australian Shepherd for copying?

Pictures, worth a thousand words, Re: New proposed usda ruling & HSUS

I hear you. At least I was polite. I agree that those in animal care professions who hate breeders have a twisted view of their own profession, or else want to become computer programmers or something that does not involve animals.

Here is where I am coming from: I am getting a lot of well crafted LYING propaganda from folks who know our rescue history. From what I can see, the general public is being bombarded with messages that this is an anti-puppy mill campaign. The last straw for me was the Best Friends one sent by a longtime member of one of my clubs, someone not a breeder but someone who wants purebreds. Hello, where do purebreds come from? Not off some tree or turnip truck.

If we do not come up with a campaign that is better than the current ones that I have seen from AKC, we are going to lose big time. I won't need to rescue Labs as maybe they will be extinct.

I think the WA campaign on the link was genius, even if stopping the current bills etc. is only a stop gap measure. I am sorry if you don't think a dam should have permeable bedding or pups should or whatever, but the picture is genius and a way to get to folks who don't really understand even baby steps of what they are endorsing.

That is my opinion. Fighting with me is not productive, and we can't totally outlaw these big money anti animal lobbies. Give us examples of good propaganda that supports your view of this. We can use it. TIA.

Pictures, worth a thousand words, Re: New proposed usda ruling & HSUS

to Hello?
Where do we find that picture of the girl and Australian Shepherd for copying?

These photos are from Facebook. You will have to be logged in for the links to work. They ask you to go the website for tips on how to comment. We must all write letters to APHIS. You have until July 16.

If you have some cute photos of your puppies being raised on grass or other "non sterile" surfaces and you know how to put text on a photo, any one can do this and they don't create the same negativity and divisiveness as the other photos/text do.

I just find the photos on the WA dog site very misleading. I don't like the word "abuse" as it is very misleading, inaccurate and just plain inappropriate.

These photos are to create the warm fuzzies and the goodness that hobby breeders have to share.

Pictures, worth a thousand words, Re: New proposed usda ruling & HSUS

I was trying to be polite, but I've been fighting this stuff for a while and I am hooked up with some of the best anti-animal rights folks I have found that have way more experience than me. I've found what they say makes way more sense than going off a knee-jerk, emotional reaction which is exactly how the ARists play the game. It's frustrating at times to see what we're really up against in this fight. But the first thing we have to do is to stop using that hateful, derogatory term made up by the AR Zealots.

Yes they have bombarded the public with graphic photos of so-called you know whats. The proper way to refer to those types of breeders are substandard breeders. Anyone who does not take proper care of their animals is irresponsible whether they breed or own just 1 dog or 50+. They are not necessarily breeders either. I've heard horror stories of the hoarders, the bad rescues, substandard breeders, etc. The problem is the AR groups take photos and lots of them, some are fabricated, misleading or staged. They show them over and over again to the public, like animal porn. They get a kick out of the public's reaction to them. Then they put a neat little label on them. A term that has been used over and over again to associate it with those horrible photos. The public hears that term and has seen those photos that are on TV ads every night with the dramatic music and the compelling voice urging us to do something about it and giving them money to help fight this tragedy.

The problem with this scenario is now that these groups have the public's attention, they start putting out bills stating they will end this type of breeder. But what they don't tell them is that the AR groups consider ALL breeders to be this term. They want to end all breeding so they do so by trying to pass legislation that they say is aimed at eliminating those types of breeders, but they put in clauses that restrict numbers. While those numbers seem high to most hobby breeders, we accept that bill because it won't affect us and we side with the ARists and think yea those darn bleepity bleeps, we don't want them either. Unfortunately what they don't realize is that once the laws are on the books, with a little pressure from the AR groups, they can change it and start making it harder and harder for the hobbyist too. These APHIS rules are a prime example.

I do have to ask you Charlotte, do you think that all commercial kennels are substandard breeding facilities that need to be shut down?

In one photo I saw circulating on Facebook, they showed two clean commercial kennels, stating they were legal, but then show two photos of hobby breeders and said they'd be illegal. To me this just conjures up more hype and from comments read most people wanted the commercials kennels to be gone while others wanted NO breeding at all. If this were to happen, where do you think our purebred dogs would come from? As I've already stated, the commercial kennels fill a demand. I would not buy a dog this way and I educate others as well, but it is not my say that just because I wouldn't doesn't mean someone shouldn't. To each their own. The problem is when you start restricting breeders, you limit choice and eventually you lose your rights.

Charlotte K.
I hear you. At least I was polite. I agree that those in animal care professions who hate breeders have a twisted view of their own profession, or else want to become computer programmers or something that does not involve animals.

Here is where I am coming from: I am getting a lot of well crafted LYING propaganda from folks who know our rescue history. From what I can see, the general public is being bombarded with messages that this is an anti-puppy mill campaign. The last straw for me was the Best Friends one sent by a longtime member of one of my clubs, someone not a breeder but someone who wants purebreds. Hello, where do purebreds come from? Not off some tree or turnip truck.

If we do not come up with a campaign that is better than the current ones that I have seen from AKC, we are going to lose big time. I won't need to rescue Labs as maybe they will be extinct.

I think the WA campaign on the link was genius, even if stopping the current bills etc. is only a stop gap measure. I am sorry if you don't think a dam should have permeable bedding or pups should or whatever, but the picture is genius and a way to get to folks who don't really understand even baby steps of what they are endorsing.

That is my opinion. Fighting with me is not productive, and we can't totally outlaw these big money anti animal lobbies. Give us examples of good propaganda that supports your view of this. We can use it. TIA.