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Gun Dog class

I have a question about the Gun Dog class at a national/regional specialty in regards to the CKC. Is this just for males (dog) or can bitches be entered also? Is it ok for them to be altered?

Re: Gun Dog class

Ok - there should be a gun dog "dog" class and a gun dog "bitch" class - you don't compete intersex other than best of breed (and the get in stud dog/brood bitch).

Re: Gun Dog class

Every time I have competed in a Gun Dog class in Canada it has been an intersex class, sometimes after BOB. Read the premium if your dog is from the U.S. though because it often requires a CKC title.

Re: Gun Dog class

From EOLBA's premium list:

Working Class: This is a non-competitive class, open to all Labrador Retrievers that have an Obedience Title, Hunt Title or Working Certificate Title. (Eastern Ontario Labrador Breeders Association)
Each entrant for this Unofficial Class must be entered in one of Official Classes in the Specialty or Exhibition Only.

Re: Gun Dog class

thanks everyone - this is what the premium list says so you can understand my confusion.

Now can a single dog be entered in the Veterans class and the Gundog class at the same show? I'm thinking we'll have to pick one or the other......

Gun Dog - shall be for any dog that has earned a title at WC Test, Hunt Tests or a placement at a
Field Trial

Re: Gun Dog class

You can enter both classes, but if both classes are eligible for best of breed and he doesn't win both of them, then he cannot compete for best of breed.

Re: Gun Dog class

Gun Dog Class - this is the requirement

For all Labrador Retrievers who have earned a Certificate of Merit or better at a
Licensed Field Trial, or who have received a Junior Hunter Title or higher, a Working Certificate or
higher, in Canada or the United States by the close of entries.

Males and Females are judged together. It is an Unofficial class and it is judged after Best of Breed. Males and Females CAN be Spayed or Neutered but usually the club will require them be entered in a regular class, altered, etc...

Veterans in a Specialty in Canada can be spayed or neutered and that class is judged after Winners Dog and Winners Female. Those two class winners do go on to compete for Best of Breed.

So if you want to enter both a Veteran class and Gun Dog class that is not a problem. You can definitely do that in Canada.

Hope that helps.