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Boy growing horns

This will sound like a crazy question but I have to ask.

I have a 3 1/2 year old male who looks like he is sprouting horns (not literally) at the base of his topskull. There are 2 bumps exactly the same size in the same locations on either side of his head. It looks like a buck starting to sprout antlers (or a devil). He is fine otherwise - no sign of any bites or anything. The skin is not red or inflamed - just these two lumps. Of course, he is entered in shows this coming weekend and it looks so strange. I have given benedryl just in case it was a bite of some kind.

Any ideas?

Re: Boy growing horns

No worries. My dogs do this all the time when they are coming back into good coat. The rest of his head coat will catch up! Good luck. Laura D

Re: Boy growing horns

Laura Dedering
No worries. My dogs do this all the time when they are coming back into good coat. The rest of his head coat will catch up! Good luck. Laura D

Thanks Laura. He is coming back into coat right now. I have not seen this before and it worried me!

Re: Boy growing horns

This made me chuckle! Mine get them all the time too. As my friends will tell you, I call them "antler buds"! Sometimes I use a Furminator or fine-toothed comb to brush them out a little. It seems to get out some of the short dense coat that builds up there.

Re: Boy growing horns

We say their "devil's horns" are showing :o)

Re: Boy growing horns

Beth Volle
This made me chuckle! Mine get them all the time too. As my friends will tell you, I call them "antler buds"! Sometimes I use a Furminator or fine-toothed comb to smooth them down a little. It seems to get out some of the short dense coat that seems to build up there.

I am glad I was able to provide some comic relief! I won't worry about them and will work on them with the Furminator. Hopefully judges this weekend will recognize them for what they are! He is not the devil incarnate - just the opposite! A very sweet guy.

Re: Boy growing horns

LOL... I have a boy who ACTS like he should have horns -- and carry a pitchfork, too!