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Resistant conjunctivitis

Ok, My sisters dog went to an eye clinic, two days later he starts having yellow ocular discharge. She brings him over to my house (smart) and a couple day slater my dogs start having the same problem (all six) Take a couple to the vet, have eyes stained/ schirmer tear test, all neg and started on erythromycin. They get better after 7-10 days meds are stopped. Problem comes back, have culture of discharge done on one dog and comes back sensitive to several atbs including Gentamycin. treat all 6 dogs twice daily for 3 weeks. Have you know, three dogs now have greenish/yellow ocular discharge. Anyone have a similaR problem????? Sisters dog got better w/eye drops (I gave her them) and no problem since. I will probably take one to an opthalomologist, just very frustrated at this point! Any info/help would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Resistant conjunctivitis

Probably will have to do a culture(send out) to find out what antibiotic/s it is sensitive to. It may be a staph, or strep germ. More common than we know.