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whelping litter of 2

Would there be any reason that a healthy and fit 3 year old maiden bitch could not free whelp a litter of 2 puppies?

Re: whelping litter of 2

Lots of people will want you to do a section... Truth is, a well nourished bitch (not puppy food or extra calcium) will grow a big strong uterus that can push out big puppies. Not fat, just good food. And don't hover over her when she is in labor. Set up a camera and stay in a different room.

Re: whelping litter of 2

I've free whelped singletons as well as doubles. The key is to know when you need help. My 4 1/2 year old bitch's first litter was 2 puppies. She free whelped both, no problems but was really slow. Her second breeding resulting in a singleton, was easy and no worries. Her third breeding was another singleton. I waited too long. She went into labor, passed loads of fluids, but never pushed. I took her in for a c-section later in the morning when my vet opened and the pup was dead. If you know the signs to look for, you may be okay, but don't wait and go to the ER if necessary. I had a bitch who started whelping normally need a c-section after several pups when the next got stuck. Her breeding afterward also resulted in a total c-section of 6 pups--all alive. I let her try to whelp naturally, but it was apparent she was not having them. After 2 hours of non-productivity, I took her in. I am pleased to have had all the babies brought out healthy. It was her last litter.

Good luck. Just know the risks, plan ahead, be prepared if she doesn't progress. And above all, DON'T WAIT!!!

Re: whelping litter of 2

If it is a very special breeding, I go to a section so that I don't lose either pup.

Re: whelping litter of 2

If my bitch were having 2 pups, I would schedule a c-section. If she came into labor on her own, I would try to let her whelp but usually the uterus is not stimulated enough by 2 pups to be able to free whelp. I said usually, not always.

I would speak to a repro vet or call Hutch for his nominal fee, not ask on here as everyone has an opinion based on their experience or stories they've heard.

Re: whelping litter of 2

FWIW, my bitch free-whelped two pups for her first litter but needed a C-section for a four puppy litter two years later. It differs each time.
