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Remedy For Fading Puppies

I may be jumping the gun here, but has anyone had any luck with the liver recipe for treating fading pups. Or any other suggestions for fading puppies, if this is what my pup is experiencing?

Re: Remedy For Fading Puppies

How old is the puppy? I am so sorry. I hope that the pup pulls through. I have not used the liver formula but it could be worth a shot. The Hemopet fresh frozen plasma has helped some. Do you or another breeder near you have some? If you post your location and contact info, maybe someone can help today. You can also have it expressed in if you hurry.
Or see link below at website.

Supplementing has helped most of mine in the past, along with warming, whether or not we had the fresh frozen plasma. You go round the clock with them. If the pup is very young, do NOT bother with milk, or at least not full strength formula, until at least a week of age. Give lactated ringers or an electrolyte solution by mouth, or give half electrolyte (pedialyte) and half puppy formula. Nutridrops also help, the kind that Whelpwise, Jeffers, Revival etc. carries. Others swear by the Fading Puppy homeopathics, but I have not used it. Do NOT feed a cold puppy, of course, although warm electrolytes can help!

A few of us experienced a virus in last couple years, with GI symptoms in the whole house of vaccinated dogs, and lost newborns or late term litters. This was right after other exhibitors had rounds of kennel cough. I ended up with a c-section litter, beautiful and fat, that went downhill in 12 hours in spite of sub q fluids, warmth, etc. at 2 days old. I do think my litter picked up the virus either during x rays or during the emergency section. If we had had time and a large litter, we would have had time to prepare a plasma from the dam, using a local internist. Given that we started downhill in the late afternoon, timing was not good for that. We didn't even have a full day.

I wish that I had had the hemopet plasma in house but we had lost that due to storms and power failures. Who knows if it would have helped.

I hope that the pup(s) are do better. Hang in there. You have our empathy.

Re: Remedy For Fading Puppies

I had a fading puppy my last litter. I just looked at my notes and I gave her 3 drops of liver every 2 hours, then an hour after the first drops gave her 3-5 mL esbilac from a bottle. So basically every hour I was up with her. After 2-3 days of liver drops and feedings she started getting perky enough to fight her siblings for mom's milk. Thank god! Every hour being up was a killer! But I had great success with the liver drops for my pup. We started the liver drops when she was 2 days old. Good luck!