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I have a 6 month old bitch pup here that has had a great coat until now - she's on PPP and has been since she arrived here 3 months ago. Now her entire back is covered in dandruff. Noticed it 2 weeks ago and brushed her, then I gave her an oatmeal bath a week ago and it's worse than ever.

Any ideas? Could it just be coat change?

Re: dandruff

She's probably getting ready to blow coat. Mine have dandruff when they start. Brush her daily to distribute her natural oils.

Re: dandruff

Not sure where you live but the dry heat in the house has done lots of damage on the coats!! They are shedding and the dandruff is up to the surface. That is Static electric results! Like getting a shock when you touch things in a dry house.

Re: dandruff

I would add some herring oil to her food once a works wonders !! I use Lazer's K-9 Shine pure herring helps with dry itchy skin and is rich in omega-3 (fatty acids).