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Toe Amputation

I have an 11 year old girl that I rescued. She is scheduled to have her #2 front toe amputated due to an aggressive infection. I'm using a sock to prevent licking but having trouble keeping it on. She does tolerate the sock. Any suggestions on preventing licking and also keeping it dry when she goes out for potty in the snow would be appreciated. I'm putting a baggie on now but it's very slippery. My husband has blown the deep snow out of the fenced in part of the yard. Thank you.

Re: Toe Amputation

Try these - I've used them with paw injuries - dog CANNOT pull them off. My vet was so impressed when I brought the dog in wearing them, he's now using them on patients in the clinic. Totally waterproof!

They are sold in many pet stores - I got them at Walmart!

Re: Toe Amputation

3 years ago my now deceased girl had her toe amputated due to Digital Squamous Cell Carcinoma. My vet couldn't stress enough how very important it was that the surgery site stay dry otherwise she could get "foot rot". My girl had a very thickly wrapped bandage on the foot with a baby sock over it, using stretchy electical tape to ensure she couldn't pull the sock off. For outside only my vet gave me an "IV bag" and I also used a non zip, zip lock "freezer" bag over it. I had to bring my girl back to the vet every 3 days for 2 weeks for a bandage change but, in the meantime, I had to change the bandage everyday to make sure the site hadn't gotten wet in between visits. As luck had it we had rain everyday for a week. It's a pain but it's so important to do what you can to keep the site dry. My girl never tried to take the sock off - I hope your girl leaves the site alone so it can heal properly.

Re: Toe Amputation

Press and Seal wrap works great to keep the bandage dry when out for potty sticks to it's self and is easy to take off when she comes back indoors. It's what we use for our patients when we take them out to potty!

Re: Toe Amputation

Pawz dog boots work well at staying on but they don't breathe and if they are on for a long time the foot will be wet.

Re: Toe Amputation

I want to thank everyone who responded as it certainly made me feel more comfortable about our girl's surgery and to give an update. She had her toe amputation on Jan. 9. Today, we had the final bandage removed and it looks beautiful. We are so proud of her. She never bothered her bandage and learned to "high step" with her iv bag to keep it dry going out. And believe me, we've had snowfall, rain, more snow, more rain, ice here in northeast Ohio since her surgery. The biopsy came back as squamous cell carcinoma. It had not spread and all margins were clear. Thank you again.