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careful with information?

I'm wondering in this day and age how careful others are being in giving out information in emails? In the past I never gave it a thought, but with all the animal rights propaganda I find myself hesitant in saying to much in my first reply to someone. I guess I want to make sure the person is indeed someone looking for a member of their family and not just fishing for information on where I live and if I have or if I am planning on a litter. I do not want to place my family, home or dogs in any form of jeopardy. Am I being paranoid, or are others feeling the same way? I have always been such a trusting person.

Re: careful with information?

NO! You are not being paranoid. Everyone is an easy target with email and especially websites that give out more personal information than they should. It's nice that we want buyers to know more about us, but save that for the personal conversations. You never know who is cyber stalking you within the 4-walls of their homes.

Re: careful with information?

Do you have your phone number on your website? I always did but last year took it off for some of the reasons stated above. But I will be having a litter later this year and debating if I should put it back on or leave it off? I figure anyone looking at my website would have access to email since they are obviously on a computer. So wondering if it is necessary to also have a phone number listed as well?

Re: careful with information?

I use a cell number only. I never list my land-line number in my home (its for family and very close friends only).

You can also go to Google Voice and obtain a web phone number. Set this up to route to your personal cell, then when you place calls via Google Voice it will initiate from the web phone number not your cell phone's number. You can use this for texting too.

Re: careful with information?

Sounds like we're all on the same or similar page. I'm cautious also, use my first name only and email on my website. If they call with a block no. I give limited information, the same with everyone I speak to the 1st time.

It's sad it's come to this. We have to watch our backs, even though many of us are 1 or 2 litters a year breeders with our dogs sprawled out on couches with a throw beneath for them.

Re: careful with information?

I am the opposite, my cell phone is for my friends, family and those I want to find house number is given for everything else as an answer machine screens each call.

As far as personal information on line, it is there anyhow, google your name, your address, your email, your phone number, you might be surprised how easy it is to find.

My website has great question and answer page and I prefer emails for screening. I try to answer inquiries with a professional limited answer...then we go from there.

Re: careful with information?

I pulled my phone number off everything. The only contact I have is via my e-mail address, and I only give out my address and phone number when they are getting ready to visit or pick up. I tell them that I work odd hours (I do) and sometimes sleep during the day (I do) and it's easier to communicate by e-mail. If they get really insistent on talking to me I start answering their e-mails at 2AM. That also cuts out wasting time with the looky-loos who keep you on the phone for an hour with question after question and then don't want to spend any money.

Re: careful with information?

I don't tell anyone where I live until I am ready for them to come for a visit, however I do like to talk to them on the phone first, start with email then go to telephone. I think you can tell more about a person hearing their voice then just from email.