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Stevia safety in puppies and dogs

I was told that Stevia was safe for puppies to make their wormer and stuff more tasty. I can't find any testing done with animals though I'm sure they were tested with Stevia before we were allowed to use it.
Any input would be helpful and has anyone used this on a puppy. TIA

Re: Stevia safety in puppies and dogs

I would not recommend feeding any artificial sweeteners to dogs or puppies. Even artificial sweeteners that are considered to be "all natural" can cause serious side affects to dogs and especially puppies. Why not give the wormer in some canned dog food, that would be safe and the dogs and puppies will enjoy it. Happy New Year!

Re: Stevia safety in puppies and dogs

Great Idea! Thanks! I was worried about it too. I don't even use it.

Re: Stevia safety in puppies and dogs

Canned pumpkin for taste and to decrease likelihood of diarrhea.

reduces fertility Re: Stevia safety in puppies and dogs

According to the catalog of NJ's Well Sweep Herb Farm, which sells Stevia, it reduces fertility. I would not use it for potentially breeding dogs--or people--without further investigation. I found it in the paragraph about Stevia plants one can order.