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Anyone have any cost effect idea's on how I can heat my kennel? At present I have 3 electric heaters going, but the electricity bill has almost tripled. Doesn't help that 2 of my girls will insist on parking the butts in the doggie doorway so that all the heat escapes. The kennel is 20 x 30 and has concrete walls & floor, bringing in new pipes will be difficult.
Any thoughts???

Re: Heating

We put 4'x8' foam insulation on the inside and outside of the walls with siding and paneling. They put 2x4s on the walls to attach the foam. The foam is about an inch and a half. We put R-60 against the underside of the roof and an E Heater which I have to keep turned down to 65 or it gets too warm… it's nice now! I can't believe the difference in the cost of heat. Our space is 26X22.
The fiberglass is not that expensive and if you used that with 2x4's to attach to it may cost less.

Re: Heating

Until you can insulate, I'd recommend turning the heat to just above freezing at 40 or 45 degrees or so and using heating pads. Kane brand are the only ones that last. The 18X28 size is great for the dogs to curl up on.

I use several of these. I do put dish soap on the wire covered cord to discourage chewing.