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6 Month Old Male Puppy with one Testicle descended only.

I have a few questions as this has never happened to one of my puppies that I placed in a Pet Home and is getting Field Training. One testicle hasn't come down at 6 months, the owner's Vet wants to remove it with surgery. He called me and wants good advice from many experienced breeders? What are the chances of the 2nd one coming down? Is surgery imminent if it doesn't I know he can never show the dog with one testicle? He is very correct and beautiful and would like to try it? All answers would be helpful.

Re: 6 Month Old Male Puppy with one Testicle descended only.

I don't have experience with this but I do know how heart breaking it is. I believe there was a thread on this not that long ago that could offer you some info. Suggest you do a search for it. Best of luck.

Re: 6 Month Old Male Puppy with one Testicle descended only.

If it hasn't come down by six months then it probably won't. I still wouldn't neuter the dog until he is older - at least 12-18 months.