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Raw food for puppy

I am feeding my new puppy raw. How much crude protein to you recommend?

Re: Raw food for puppy

Poor puppy. If you aren't educated ior experienced in feeding raw don't risk the health of your puppy.

Re: Raw food for puppy

Get Dr. Billinghurst's book : Grow Your Pups With Bones. You will find good information there.

Re: Raw food for puppy

Look up The Dogs Dinner by Ann Rudyard. It's a website by a raw feeding breeder, you'll find lots of great info there.

Re: Raw food for puppy

Are you a breeder or puppy owner? Is your Labrador a "Wolf"

What many people fail to understand in the want to feed "RAW " is that cooking and eating from the dumps of man changed the wolf into a dog. Many benefits can be had for sick dogs that don't do well on kibble when switched to RAW. And it should be with the involvement of a Holistic Vet who can guide you. So if the pup is not ill feeding a Feed Trial tested kibble for puppies is a safer route to go.

Yes there are breeders who feed RAW Diets, but if you have to ask this question you are not experienced enough to risk the pups development.

Go buy a bag of Fromm Gold pink bag puppy.

Re: Raw food for puppy

The mercola website is also a wealth of information.

Also, Dr. Lew Olson has a fairly recent book out natural feeding; check out the B Naturals website.

Good luck with your pup!

Re: Raw food for puppy

some other sources
The mercola website is also a wealth of information.

Also, Dr. Lew Olson has a fairly recent book out natural feeding; check out the B Naturals website.

Good luck with your pup!

I wouldn't trust any information on the mercola website. Half truths, twisted messages, selling products.

Re: Raw food for puppy

Raw feeding done well is not simple. Try to find someone who has been feeding raw for 5-10 years. Preferably, someone with labs or other large dogs.

Re: Raw food for puppy

ready "Give your dog a bone" before passing judgement on this puppy owner