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question regarding akc judges and ethics

Is it appropriate for AKC judges to discuss potential exhibitors/breeders on social media?

Re: question regarding akc judges and ethics

As AKC approved judges, you are held to a higher standard. Comments and/or actions in public forums that embarrass the sport may result in a review by the AKC and the potential of disciplinary action.

Take care to avoid even the appearance of impropriety with any fancier
who might appear in your ring. You may occasionally find that you will have to tactfully change the subject or excuse yourself from a conversation that involves
breeds or exhibitors whom you are likely to judge.

Fair or not, perception is reality.

See page 10 of The Standard (The AKC Newsletter for Conformation Judges)

Re: question regarding akc judges and ethics

What does "discuss potential breeder/exhibitors on social media" mean exactly?