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Remember when it wasn't just about dissing somone???

Hi All,

I would like us all to take a step back and remember when. Remember when there were more positive and helpful posts on this forum than the negative and spiteful posts/comments?

I have noticed a couple of posts that have asked for insight and help, the "green discharge" post and the "old dog with jerking movements" post. Both have views but no comments. Cannot we as fellow labradors lovers offer support and advice? We may not have all the answers - but can certainly offer well-wishes and good luck and ask them to report back so we all may learn.

I understand a couple of things. #1 - Social media like Facebook has most certainly decreased the number of visitors here. #2 - The more controversial the subject - everyone wants to voice their opinion or voyeuristically enjoy the turmoil and dissing.

Just saying.... can we please re-evaluate and be more positive and helpful?
We all love our labs so we have that in common - don't we?

Valerie Jones

Re: Remember when it wasn't just about dissing somone???

I absolutely 100% agree with you. And after observing this forum for almost 8 years, I can almost guarantee that the dissing and negativity comes from the same handful of people, and they won't stop. The rest are genuinely helpful, and have been great for me over the years.

And remember the old adage, everyone…DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE THEM DO UNTO YOU!! (wouldn't that make a HUGE difference if we all stuck to that?)

Re: Remember when it wasn't just about dissing somone???

Valerie, since I have been a victim , more than once, I can agree that you have a valid point. This is supposed to be a place to learn and share, not bash.
"Me", it seems that some have forgotten the "Golden Rule".

Re: Remember when it wasn't just about dissing somone???

Good post Val, and I hope people will go back to the good spirit of the Forum when it started. Thanks!