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$532.50 (link to pics)NEW APT, WIFI, FURNISHED, WALK IN CLOSET, BATHROOM & MORE!--Girl Roommate


I am going to be studying abroad in the spring, and I need to sublet my apartment for the semester. I share a room with a down to earth senior girl.(barely see her lol). ITS CHEAPER THAN USC HOUSING :D

Its a new apartment on w 36th street, two blocks from campus

- own bathroom
- walk-in closet
- furnished (Bed, desk, chair, bookcase, lamp)
---->(I can leave it or take it to storage no prob)
- hard wood floors
-full kitchen (fridge, stove, oven, dishwasher)
- Cable
- wireless
- ample street parking
---->(could negotiate for gated parking)



My email is emontiel@usc.edu